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  1. hcarlton

    Hcarlton's hybrids

    Hey all, Over the past year or so I've been going all out trying to create a bunch of new hybrids, and I finally have the first one flowering: D. capillaris "Long Arm" x spatulata 'Tamlin': young plant adult The first flower just opened this morning, and though it leans toward the dark pink...
  2. T

    Tanukimo's Growlist

    List: (photographs below) Drosera adelae Drosera binata var. dichotoma Drosera collinsiae x burkeana Drosera aff. lanata 'Flying Fox Creek' Drosera madagascariensis Drosera natalensis Drosera paradoxa white, 'Type form', Lady Dreaming, Arnhemland, NT., Australia Drosera roraimae Drosera...
  3. Cindy

    Nepenthes once again

    I lost most of these forms due to negligence. Recently, I decided it was time to grow them again. :banana2: The plants...very healthy and all producing pitchers. N. albomarginata (Kuching Spotted - my FAV albomariginata) N. bicalcarata (Marudi) N. longifolia (red) N. veitchii (pink)...
  4. Keith

    From a bugs point of view...

    I wanted to try and see what a future victim of my plants voracious appetites might see before he wanders into a trap. I set my little 20$ camera down in the planter and managed to get a few shots that weren't so blurry. I was particularly inspired by this rockin' Utricularia leaf in behind...
  5. punpkinface

    Looking for D. prolifera

    I'd like to add D. prolifera to my collection before winter shuts down trading for the season in my area. I've got D. Marston Dragon and D. madagascariensis to offer. PM if you're interested. Thanks!
  6. theplantman

    Looking for trades to expand a teaching CP collection

    Hi everyone! I would love to begin doing some plant trades in order to benefit my workplace and obtain a more complete and interesting collection of CPs. Because my teaching greenhouses aren't specifically specialized in CPs, there are significant holes in our collection and many genera are...
  7. D

    Various Drosera seed wanted/hoped for :) Do you have these please?

    Hi I have been hunting around various seed selling web sites in the hope of expanding my meagre Drosera collection into something more exotic. Then it occurred to me that I ought to ask you guys first...yes?! Does anyone please have any of the following Droserae (or similar) and is willing...
  8. Rookie grower

    Rookie Growers list

    Sarracenia S rubra ssp alabamensis S. Danas delight S. Hummers hammerhead S. Psittacina Walton Co. FL wilkersons bog S alata red lid S oreophylla sand MT al. S alata "maroon throat" S flava var cupurea S leuco x flava var ornata S flava var ornata S minor S minor "Okie giant" S catesbaei x...
  9. J

    Grow List

    Grow List (Plants With T Available For Trade) CEPHALOTUS Czech Giant - T Emu Point Giant German Giant Hummers Giant - T Phill Mann Clone Robust - T Typical - T Vigorous DARLINGTONIA Coastal Variety Mountain Variety - T Othello (All Green) DIONAEA A2 B-52 - T Big Mouth Bohemian...
  10. pmatil

    Pete's plants

    Hi, thought I finally make a thread about my plants. I mainly grow lowlanders in 2 terrariums. The main one is lucky reptile measured about 80 x 50 x 100 cm (2.7 x 1.6 x 3.2 ft) and the second consists of 2 Ikea glass cabinets combined into one at about 160 x 80 x 30 cm (2.7 x 5.3 x 1 ft). Main...
  11. Millipede

    Post Pics of you super awesome D. Madagascariensis!

    The snails ate the leaves off mine after i few nights of being set outside. I dug them up, layed them down flat and covered with a half inch of chopped up sphagnum. This is them after recovering for a couple months back in the terrarium :D Edit: dang i can't edit the title? can someone...
  12. B0B

    Dews for trade

    Hey everyone. I have one pot with the last of my dews that I would like to trade. The pot consists of D.prolifera, madagascariensis, dreamsicle, oblanceolata sunset peak hong kong, and a binata multifida extrema. Im looking to trade them all for a nep or cutting of one or Sarrs and vfts would...
  13. V

    tuco's grow list!

    canoinhas city, santa catarina state, brazil 26°10'38" south 50°23'24" west 765mts above sea level (köppen-geiger: Cfa) - adult plants: sarracenia - sarracenia alabamensis 'thornsby' CR - sarracenia alata 'red lid' desoto CR - sarracenia flava 'gold' CR - sarracenia flava 'red tube' JMP -...
  14. klasac

    some new species/locations/hybrids on the gel

    .and here I add some pictures of today, mostly new cultures: drosera falconeri, still without root system, but flowering already drosera montana var. montana "Botumirin' drosera sp. 'Auyan Tepui' on semi-liquid gel (some dews grow much faster this way) drosera madagascariensis. Don't know...
  15. SDCPs

    Goodies for YOUR TYPICAL Flytraps! My for trade list posted

    Please do not PM me. I will not respond. Instead, send an email to the address in the above photo with the subject as "Trade with __your name here__": What I want: Mature Typical Flytraps. I do NOT want multiple clones of the same plant. I want genetically different plants. Priority is given...
  16. Millipede

    i may have produced some unique hybrids

    after years of waiting for the two to flower simultaneously they finally did. I cross pollinated four flowers each of capensis "broad leaf" and madagascariensis. as a bonus my nidiformis was flowering too. so i have a total of 8 capensisXmadagascariensis seed pods and also 8 capensisXnidiformis...
  17. Tuuagso

    Tuuagso's growlist

    Cephalotus follicularis (3) . Hummer Giant . Hummer Giant x Hummer Giant . Typical Darlingtonia californica (2) . Dark . typical Dionaea muscipula (4) . all red . B52 . Fang x Big mouth . Bohemian Garnet Drosera (26) . adelae . binata (multifida extrema) . botswana . burmanii . capensis...
  18. S

    It's Cold Out There!!

    I won three neps off eBay last week, N. madagascariensis and 2 N. burbidgeae's. I suggested a heat pack before shipping but he claimed that he never lost a plant to the cold and shipped. Seems like a nice enough guy and shipped very fast and when they arrived and I pulled the bare root plants...
  19. JMN16150

    Looking for some carnivorous plants...

    Merry Christmas everyone, I am looking for the following plants because I am having trouble finding any: Stylidium Debile Utricularia Nelumbifolia Drosera Capensis 'Albino' Any easy pygmy drosera sp.(I want to try, but sorta intimidated) Drosera Madagascariensis Sarracenia Rubra 'common,typical'...
  20. S

    Spooky's Growlist

    I don't think I did this already but if I'm wrong please update me! I am participating in a discussion string about species threatened with extinction and eBay sellers poaching so consider me spanked:-( and no need to bring that up here . Everything I have or are in transit were acquired prior...