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  1. Goofzilla

    A couple pics of my neps.

    Hey guys - I though I'd post a few photos! I look forward to seeing how these plants look in the future . A note: Most of these guys are brand new, so they are still adjusting. Also: These were all taken on September 10th 2008- the time on the camera is messed up, somehow. My Nepenthes List...
  2. Hans Breuer

    Looking for tropical drosera

    I'm looking to trade/steal/receive as a gift the sundews listed below. I have >90 Nepenthes to trade for them. affinis aliciae banksii binata v. multifida binata v. Marston Dragon" burkeana burmannii red capillaris - 'long arm form' capillaris - tropical form collinsiae falconeri hamiltonii...
  3. klasac

    flower pics+new plants+questions

    Hi everybody! :-D I just wanted to share some pics my binata flowers: aliciae as well Here are some of my new plants: S. leucophylla S. purpurea D. sp. Gran Sabana D. schizandra D. madagascariensis D. sp. Magaliesburg D. coccicaulis D.capillaris ..and now my...
  4. Jefforever

    Cleaning Out My Collection -

    My living room is running out of space. I need to get rid of some stuff - I'm not looking for anything specific, make me an offer. :) Email me at: 6wongsljp@gmail.com I'd like to trade as many things together as I can, to save on shipping. Here's some pics of what I've got: D. Admirabilis...
  5. Goofzilla

    Goofzilla's Humble Grow List

    Dionaea muscipula: -dentate Drosera: -capensis 'All Red' -capensis 'All Green' -spatulata -binata Pinguicula *Under Construction* Nepenthes: - N. "Red Leopard" (+ basal) - N. Judith Finn - N. ventricosa (x2 - one's female) - N. sanguinea - N. madagascariensis - N. jacquelineae - N. diatas...
  6. G

    butterwort and sundew replant questions

    i was wondering, can u put a baby sundew madagascariensis( or something that is similar to it) and a recovering ping agnata n the same pot? i still have the dome on the ping for humidity i think it helps the ping and keeps away big bugs from eating it is it ok to use just sphagum? or do i mix...
  7. Nepfreak

    drosera leaf cuttings for other drosera leaf cuttings

    I have a few drosera that I could take leaf cuttings from, and maybe trade for leaves of other dews. I can snip my binata, capensis (red or typical), or x corinthiaca. I also MAY be able to get leaves of binata v. multifida and spatulata. I'll take leaves of basically any drosera that doesn't...
  8. Jimmy

    Nepenthes Madagascariensis

    Alright, I was searching on the forums for N. Madagascariensis when I realized that this is really a misunderstood and underappreciated plant. Reports of difficulty in cultivating this plant are really the products of misinformation, and I thought I'd share some of my growing experiences. I...
  9. ilbasso

    Yet another picture thread

    When I get a hold of a digital camera, I tend to head straight to the plants. Here are a few from the other day just because. D madagascariensis getting ready to go to its new post-auction home D capensis Alba (thanks Crysstal! It is still growing very well) N densiflora this is the...
  10. trek623

    a few drosera for trade

    hey, i've got some young d. madagascariensis and some d. aliciae that i'm looking to trade away. i'm looking for anything (preferably any sarracenia, even most of the common ones) except for things like d. capensis and d. adelae. below are pictures of the sizes of the plants that i'm trading...
  11. ilbasso

    D. madagascariensis winner Michael $12

    Up for auction, one potted Drosera madagascariensis. It is about 2.75" tall. I'll cover shipping if bidding hits...oh, how about $12. Let's start the bidding at $2
  12. SirKristoff

    a few of my neps, the better looking of them. lol

    N. Lowii (growing like mad) N. Madagascariensis (got it a few months ago, the adult almost died but is sending out about 4 nodes. this is just the baby it came with, finally pitchering for me, but without tendrils lol, its a very small plant, sorry about the blurryness) N. Sanguinea from...
  13. ilbasso

    Looking to rebuild my collection

    After switching water sources, my CPs are all looking much better. Now I'm working on rebuilding the collection that took a hit this winter when the RO water machine was filling my bottles with hard water instead. We're talking capensis and adelae dying kind of bad! Trade options are limited...
  14. CP30

    Spring Pics

    Before they get too sunburned....I moved my neps back outside and have removed some of their shade cloth for spring sun. Last year they were fully protected with cloth, this year I plan to only cover overhead and experiment with which need and can take more sun - hot sticky Louisiana sun...
  15. Crissytal

    Grow Rack, WARNING lots of images

    I decided to finally get some decent pictures of my grow rack. It's nothing elaborate. I plan to get some mylar soon to put on the back and at least one side of the rack if I can find it locally. Full rack; it's a bit messy. I'm in the process of getting some stuff moved outside. Second...
  16. Aric

    Growing questions

    Ive got several droseras and im pretty new to growing them. Ive been keeping them in a terrarium under a light in a 78-82 degree room and they did seem to be doing pretty well. What I have is d. capensis, d. adelae, d. burmannii, d. madagascariensis, and d. binata. The binata and capensis and...
  17. Crissytal

    Crissytal's Grow List, North Carolina

    Please feel free to correct me on spelling and any other kind of errors. I enjoy trading. My extras come and go so fast it's difficult for me to keep this list updated. If you see something that interests you, feel free to contact me. I can't guarantee the item(s) will be available for...