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  1. adnedarn

    Nepenthes madagascariensis in flower- looking for a girl

    Hello everyone, I have a N. madagascariensis in flower and it sure looks like a boy to me so I'm looking for someone with a female something in flower... I'm not much an artist so I really can't envision what crosses will look like, so if there are multiple offers I would love people's opinions...
  2. NatchGreyes

    LF: N. madagascariensis

    Hey All: I'm looking for an N. madagascariensis and figured I'd ask around here. I've been doing some plant maintenance over the past few months and have a few cuttings/plants to spare. What come to mind are - N. amp. "Bau Green" - Cutting. (This appears to be rooting) N. amp 'Williams Red' x...
  3. sflynn

    D. schizandra for trade

    Hello everybody, I have a D. schizandra that I have been growing for a few months in a sealed glass container, however, living in Florida the temps will soon get to extreme for it and I don't want it to die. So, I'm offering it up for trade. I need to have this plant shipped before about the...
  4. J

    Jwalkers grow list

    Cephalotus "Albany pitcher plant" C. Phill Mann C. Hummer's giant C. Coal mine beach SG C. Emu point C. Squat Dionaea muscipula "Venus flytrap" D. Fuzzy tooth D. Typical D. Fts maroon monster D. King Henry D. Coquillage Lots of seedlings Drosera "sundew" D. Tokaiensis D. Anglica D. Indica...
  5. NatchGreyes

    LF N. madagascariensis

    I know this lowlander used to be widely available, but I haven't run across it in a while, so I'm not sure what the current market value of it is. If anyone has a cutting/plant for trade, I'd like to hear about it. As far as Neps go, I have a N. hookeriana with 8" leafspan or so I'd be willing...
  6. Millipede

    Drosera madagascariensis X capensis hybrid

    Some of you may remember my old post about this. well i tried again and it seems i have had a successful germination! It's just a single seedling so far and i think i may need to work on my pollination technique but I GOT ONE :D
  7. Dragoness

    Why do you love your Neps?

    How did you get involved with neps? Do you have a favorite? if so, what draws you to that plant? My fascination with Nepenthes started long before I had the means to care for one. I had a VFT and a purple pitcher plant, and was reading up on their care, and in doing so, read about the care of...
  8. Dragoness

    Nep seed Q

    I have read about 5 different methods of germinating Nep seeds, and have decided that I am going to give it a GO. Going to order a couple species of Lowland neps, and give it a shot. The site I am looking at currently offers Rafflesiana, Tenax, Albomarginata, Madagascariensis, Truncata, and a...
  9. Apollonian

    Apollonian's Indoor Collection

    This is where I'll post about my indoor collection. I decided to be so public with it because I am very serious about making it better (all within means of course!). I recently lost a great many of my older plants, though a few decade + ones survived my year off at university. As I plan on...
  10. Apollonian

    Apollonian's Grow List

    Cephalotus follicularis Dionaea "red sawtooth" Drosera affinis binata 'waihohonu desert' burmanii capensis typical, broad, and red filliformis ssp. filliformis intermedia madagascariensis multifida 'extrema' occidentalis x pulchella regia rupicola sessifolia spathulata Nepenthes bicalcarata...
  11. Dragoness

    Dragoness' Grow List

    Carnivorous: D. filiformis D. muscipula (normal) N. bicalcarata (Brunei orange) N. bicalcarata (Sarawak Giant) N. ampullaria (Brunei spotted) N. mirabilis (Red Globosa Viking) N. ventricosa N. rafflesiana (seedlings) N. truncata N. hookeriana S. flava S. leucophylla 'Tarnok' S...
  12. DragonsEye

    Drosera madagascariensis stem rooting Qs

    So recently received a couple nice Drosera madagascariensis from a fellow TF member. Each plant was about 5 inches tall with about half of that covered with old/dead leaves. When potting them up, I did so with both the roots as well as the section lacking living leaves buried. This brings me...
  13. Acro

    Trade: Drosera madagascariensis for your . . .

    I have a beautiful 5" to 6" Drosera madagascariensis to offer for trade. I am looking for any Ant Plants or Amorphophallus Konjac corm(s). PM me now to trade! Thanks! :D
  14. L

    Growlist of Lutz

    Once I was in a store and there was a corner in which some really strange plants were standing. They shall eat meat or something like that and they are probably dangerous. No risc no fun. I took one of the glistening with the sticky leaves. About 10 years later ...... Cephalotus Cephalotus...
  15. rcl27

    Cody Lawson's (rcl27) Grow List

    Cephalotus: Cephalotus (typical) - Flytrapcare Cephalotus (typical) - carnivorousplantsshop.eu Cephalotus "Double Ribbed" - JCal Cephalotus "Emu Point" - JCal Cephalotus "Hummer's Giant" - JCal Cephalotus "Phil Mann" - JCal Cephalotus "Squat" - JCal Dionaea Muscipula: Dionaea "Typical" - Lowes...
  16. Cindy

    Natural and T5 light levels - species (photos and details)

    Natural light levels March 2014 Bright light all day without direct sunlight on plants. All of my Neps are in natural light so I took readings using a light meter. The first reading was taken at 10am and by 4pm, the light level has gone up by at least 2000 lux at the shadiest spot and at the...
  17. Acro

    Pinguicula for Trade

    I want to go in a different direction and I would like to trade my pings. I have: 1 agnata x gypsicola (3" leaves) 2 moranensis (quarter size) 2 potosiensis (nickel size) I will trade all 5 pings for a single plant or several leaf cuttings of: Nepenthes maxima 'mini' Saccenia rosea Drosera...
  18. P

    Looking for Small amount of Live Sphagnum

    I am having some difficulties finding a small amount of live sphagnum moss to begin growing my own. I currently have a Drosera Seeds for trade: D. Madagascariensis, D. Capensis (red), D. Omissa (pink), D. Burmanii seeds for trade. PM me if we can work something out! Thanks! EDIT!!!!! ALL...
  19. P

    Phake's Grow List!

    My Grow List Sundews Drosera adelae (small plant, not flowering yet) Drosera burmannii (month or 2 away from flowering) Drosera capensis (red) (seedlings) Drosera capensis (albino) (seeds/seedlings) Drosera intermedia 'Carolina giant' (awaiting germination) Drosera madagascariensis (seedlings)...
  20. P

    Looking For D. regia and Nepthanes and Sarracenia

    Hi guys! I am just starting out my carnivorous plant garden and was looking to expand my collection a bit. I currently have 3 species of Drosera: D. burmannii, D. capensis, and D. madigascariensis. I am looking for Drosera regia seeds in particular, I have been having a great deal finding a...