TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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S rubra ssp alabamensis
S. Danas delight
S. Hummers hammerhead
S. Psittacina Walton Co. FL wilkersons bog
S alata red lid
S oreophylla sand MT al.
S alata "maroon throat"
S flava var cupurea
S leuco x flava var ornata
S flava var ornata
S minor
S minor "Okie giant"
S catesbaei x...
The lowland Nepenthes house needs variety, so I'm seeking any Genlisea besides hispidula. Can offer juvenile H. minor or nutans, D. hamiltonii, binata, admirabilis, kaieteurensis, small D. capensis "Bob Ziemer's super wide leaf", small U. alpina x endressii, juvenile cephalotus. In the...
I have the following to trade for established plants of N. gracilis (any form) and/or N. ampullaria (any form).
Drosera menziesii subsp. menziesii (dormant tubers)
Drosera abberans 'Pyrete Ranges, Victoria, Aust.' (dormant tubers)
Drosera cistiflora pink flower (as summer dormant roots)...
- D. intermedia "Mt. Roraima" (seedlings)
- D. spatulata 'Tamlin' (seedlings)
- H. minor
- H. pulchella (Churi tepui)
- S. flava var. rugelii
- U. alpina x endressii
- U. blanchetii
- U. livida
- U. pubescens
- U. tridentata...
I HAVE spares of the following plants/seeds:
P. agnata x moranensis (flowering size)
P. moranensis x emarginata (flowering size)
P. 'Libelulita' (1 year from leaf pullings)
P. 'Titan' (1 year from leaf pullings)
D. burmanni "Pilliga Red" fresh seed from actively growing plants
Up for auction is one large D. hamiltonii. The plant pictured is the plant up for auction. Please forgive the poor photo quality.
Bidding starts at $2.00.
Buyer pays Priority shipping. Shipping will be $6.00. I will combine shipping on multiple auction wins.
USA only.
Please feel free...
This is what is ending up flower stalks right now:
D. omissa
D. indica
D. hartmeyerorum
D. capensis 'Broadleaf' (Brie)
D. burmannii (Divaskid)
D. communis (Crissytal)
D. hamiltonii (Crissytal)
D. nidiformis (Mgher)
B. liniflora (Mickey)
Keiths' growlist
"[]"numbers in brackets indicate quantity of plants available for trade,
"+"indicates more plantlets started and/or sprouts
"*"indicates seed pack/s available for SASE, limit 1 per request while supply lasts, PM for details
No brackets = No trade
Disclaimer: I know the rules of this board. I'm not looking for people to buy from or trade with, I'm simply looking for ideas on plants to grow. I have plenty of places to get them.
That being said: I'm looking ideas on for some new, fun Sundews to grow. I'm a newbie when it comes to growing...
Luca wanted to see pics of my overcrowded setup, so I figured I would post them for all to see...
Top shelf, has some airplants which are not doing super well... Also some nice big bromeliads in the back... Most of the stuff is in bags, because I don't have a humidifier yet. I should get one...
Almost all of my plants are doing quite well at this point, so I figured I would take some pics. The coin is for size comparison. It is a Canadian quarter, which is the same size as an American quarter.
My dear falconeri, doing very well, and becoming quite large with regular feeding...
D. filiformis ssp. filiformis
D. filiformis var. tracyi
D. rotundifolia
South African
D. capensis 'Typical"
D. madgascariensis
D. nidiformis
D. aliciae
D.'Pretty rosette'
D. binata
D. hamiltonii
D. stoloifera ssp. stoloinfera
D. gigantea
D. peltata
Gots some pics:
My petiolaris have been getting warm conditions finally, they love summer:
Derbyensis did not upload, but it is lookin good...
D. whatever, probably lantua island hybrid:
D. hamiltonii, finally:
D. spatulata var. bakoensis:
D. admirabillis...
Up for auction is one (1) well established D. hamiltonii. It was taken from root cuttings. Winner will receive a plant similar to that in the photo. Shipping will be $6.00. Can combine shipping on smaller items. USA only please. Please PM me with any questions.
Opening bid $2.00
The plants listed below are the ones I currently have available for trade. My want list is at the very bottom of my growlist. Please PM me if interested, don't list offers below.
Drosera :
binata dichotoma - Giant Form
binata multifida
capillaris - Santa Rosa Co. FL
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