TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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This has gotten a little out of date - decided to move the list to a google sheet - check it out here.
Mexican and hybrids
• P. agnata (scented flower) *
• P. agnata (true blue) *
• P. agnata 'El Lobo' *
• P. cyclosecta
• P. cyclosecta x emarginata
Things I've got
affinis “Namibia”
alicea "silvermine (?)", strap-leaf form
anglica “Alakai Swamp”
x "Andromeda (BCP cross of D. prolifera x schizandra)
binata "Waihohonu Desert"
burmannii: Humpty-Doo, Hann River, Hong Kong Red
capensis "big pink", red...
This is what I'm growing out at the moment:
"Lady Luck" from Borneo Exotics
(I used to grow more Nep's but they grew way too large for my setup so I found a grower friend to adopt them)
H. minor var. minor (FTS)
H. minor var. minor "Big Orange"
H. heterodoxa x...
S rubra ssp alabamensis
S. Danas delight
S. Hummers hammerhead
S. Psittacina Walton Co. FL wilkersons bog
S alata red lid
S oreophylla sand MT al.
S alata "maroon throat"
S flava var cupurea
S leuco x flava var ornata
S flava var ornata
S minor
S minor "Okie giant"
S catesbaei x...
I'm a beginner that just recently received their first seeds. :)
I have-
D. Burmannii
D. Capensis alba and red
D. Binata
D. Omissa
D. Finlaysoniana
D. Spatulata
2 cuttings for nepenthes ventricosa
Akai Ryu VFT
Typical VFT
Arriving soon-
N. Ventrata × (bellii × ventricosa) seeds
Hi, I'm looking to trade a few nepenthes and other tropical plants. I can provide photos upon request.
You can PM me anytime for a response.
What I Have For Trade (ROOTED):
N. Ventricosa x Alata "Ventrata"- (fully rooted w/ small pitcher) *TRADED*
Anthurium Faustomirandae...
WolframOmega's Highland Terrarium
Hi all,
I suppose it's probably time I started a photo thread. Here are some of the more presentable plants in my collection. Enjoy!
Drosera graomogolensis
<a data-flickr-embed="true"...
Hi all,
Here is my puny growlist. Enjoy!
Dionaea muscipula
Dionaea muscipula 'Ginormous'
S. flava var. cuprea (Lois x botanique)
Sarracenia rubra subsp. gulfensis
Sarracenia leucophylla (Drummond's giant imposter)
S. minor var. okefenokeensis Charlton Co, GA
Sarracenia purpurea subsp. venosa...
So I joined this forum over a year ago and never really participated much. However, I've learned alot from the great community here and am hoping to share the little knowledge I have and gain some more! I'm currently in college (Penn State) and spending the summer at my parents farm before...
Hi all,
I have the following species for trade. All of the tuberous species are dormant.
D. auriculata
D. hookeri
D. abberans (used to be whiitakeri subsp. abberans)
D. menziesii subsp. menziesii ( plants get very red, almost crimson late in the growing season)
D. erythrorhiza subsp...
I've been looking to trade for Drosera - D. admirabilis in particular, but I am also looking for D. venusta and D. nidiformis (or perhaps D. hamiltonii).
I have U. calycifida 'Yog-Sothoth', U. longifolia, D. adelae, a plug of U. praelonga, and a small P. emarginata.
For D. admirabilis I might...
My D. hamiltonni is grown at my windowsill(not sure what direction it faces) but it isn't growing its leaves properly. It would form a leaf but fail to produce tentacles and grow another leaf. Is this normal is hamiltonii behavior?
It receives bright light, watered by tray method, and is kept...
Drosera hamiltonii - two different clones (as labeled) West Australia and Esperance Region, SW Australia
D. hamiltonii is a fairly easy to cultivate rosetted sundew from Western Australia. This species apparently is self-incompatible so genetically different plants are needed to produce seed...
You are bidding on a 1 Drosera hamiltoni plant. I got this clone from an un named CP nursery. The plant will be bare rooted carefully, and packed carefully and mailed to the winner.
Due to size it will be shipped via USP Small Flat Rate Priority Mail box. USA only I cannot provide...
I don't want to buy one, but if anyone has an extra seedling I would LOVE to trade. Here's what I have for trade:
N. gracilima /alba - good size and outgrowing my three inch pot for it
N. (lowii x spectabilis) x talengensis - rooted cuttings. when they make pitcher they look like this...
I was hoping we could share some pics of your display setup of pots containing multiple plants.
This is one of my setups. It has some Pygmy dews, hamiltonii, cephalotus and some random utrics that took over! It has seen better days, is in winter mode, and has lacked some attenction but I still...
flava var. maxima
flava var. ornata
flava var. rubricorpora
alata 'Heavy Veins'
alabamensis wherryi
minor var. okefenokeensis 'Ware Co. Clone C'
rubra gulfensis 'Anthocyanin-Free'
purpurea venosa
purpurea venosa var. montana
leucophylla 'AJ01'
leucophylla 'Hurricane Creek...
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