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  1. SubRosa

    Aphid Control Question

    I noticed the other day that the tip of an immature pitcher on one of my purps had a little kink in it. Upon closer inspection I saw a couple of aphids hiding in it which I removed. I closely inspected the plant, found a few more which I also manually removed. That plant was pretty far along in...
  2. Plant Planter

    "Cupped Trap" Issue

    Before I start this thread, I will inform you that this issue is not the infamous Curved-Leaf Syndrome. This issue is not the infamous Curved-Leaf Syndrome. Yes, indeed, it is I, Plant Planter, the one with the uncreative name, and my "Cupped Trap" plant is ailing. Here's the deal. My lovely...
  3. jimscott

    Saw This On Facebook For Mosquitoes

    https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200563080972933&set=a.1077534732028.2014125.1036045651&type=1&ref=nf https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200563080972933&set=a.1077534732028.2014125.1036045651&type=1&ref=nf This looks like it also may be good for dealing with aphids, since...
  4. Homedawg76

    Pests help.

    I just noticed one of my drosera adelae has a few little yellow bugs (what seem to be aphids) Sucking the leaves. Could anyone tell me what pesticide will kill them without harming my plants? I have neem, but I read somewhere online that the neem doesnt kill aphids.
  5. A

    help with pests

    hi all For the last 6 month i have been losing plant after plant,I had bad infestation of snails in my terrarium (seem like one of the pots i grown outside carried a few snails,once i moved the plant inside my terrarium they multiplied exponentially untill i saw them in every single pot). I...
  6. Wolfn

    Aphids in my terrarium. How to fix this?

    Howdy. I suddenly have an aphid infestation (must have gotten it from some new plants I ordered back in November) in my indoor terrarium. They are mostly going for my Heliamphora but I suspect everything in my terrarium may have a bite or two. What is the best aphid control I can use in an...
  7. Lizardom

    Starting a new hobby - Aphid Farming {Warning Aphid Porn Inside}

    So if anybody want's to trade something for a few aphids just hit me up with a PM and we'll work out a deal.
  8. Chasethorn


    So I came home and the sun was hitting the water in my terrarium just right and I could hundreds of these pod looking thing. The were all on top of the water just kind of walking on the water. The looked like a tiny white isopod or rollie pollie ... I am disinfecting my terrarium and have them...
  9. C

    return of the pest w/ pics

    Help! return of the pest w/ pics how do they get into a nearly sealed chamber!? driving me crazy.....im not enthusiastic about repotting either since my echinostoma was comatose for almost 2 months. based off what i have read it seems to be a combination of aphids and fungus gnat larva. they...
  10. A

    dry ice insecticide question

    OK folks, I have a terrarium that is about 3 feet by 2 feet by about 18 inches tall. The utrics and Drosera in there are all in live moss and were it not for the aphids that persist despite neem, soap/oil spray and total immersion in water for as long as 5 days... they and the D. prolifera...
  11. Natalie

    Some plants stunted/deformed, others doing well

    Ever since I made the trip down to Mississippi from California, some of my plants have been acting weird. At first I thought it was just a consequence of the two-week drive it took to get here (not much light in the car), but because some plants have improved and others haven't, I'm wondering if...
  12. TENroaches

    Flower stalks look burned [Pics]

    Does anyone know what causes this? I have plenty of healthy flower stalks on all my pitcher plants, but I saw a few like this. I bring them in when there's a frost or freeze warning. Maybe I missed a night? Or could this be bugs of some sort? I did just find and spray for aphids. This...
  13. BigBella

    TC B52 Follies . . .

    Here was an interesting find from this morning -- the presence of live aphids in a six-week old culture. The section of flower-stalk that had been put into media was about 3 cm long, a single strand; and the bud was then as tight as a drum. To add insult to injury, the stalk -- from plants grown...
  14. Veronis

    Drosera lasiantha, flowering

    About a month ago I found aphids on my pygmys (neem oil handled it), please bear with their ugliness. On 3/21, one of the two lasianthas started a wooly flower stalk: Ten days later, around 9AM: The flower closed less than 12 hours after it opened. D. lasiantha, slowly but surely...
  15. Lil Stinkpot

    Mystery aquatic bug

    I found an interesting critter today. I won't say from who I got it, just in case it's a pest. I doubt it, though. Alas, it is effectively microscopic, and I cannot take a picture of it; I haven't the necessary tools. (I wish I did!) I tried to look it up, but Google just brought up aphids on...
  16. H

    to those who are trading for cephs

    Woke. Up this morning and noticed aphids on some of my plants. I'm forced to quaretine everything until I'm sure that the problem is taken care of. I apologize for the bad news but I will let you know asap when the problem has been cleared. I'm quarenting because I do not want to risk anyone...
  17. A

    aphids in LFS

    Hi Folks Aphids have reared their ugly little green bodies on my plants. http://terraforums.com/forums/images/smilies/sad.gif Never been a big fan of submersion, never worked for me unless i wanted to drown a plant. What can I use that wont kill or make mold in the live LFS I have. Plants are...
  18. R

    Aphid help?

    I just spent about 2 hours plucking aphids off my sundew today, am I wasting my time? Is it even possible to just simply pick off all of the aphids? I noticed they like to hide near the flower stalk and underside of leaves, but I'm sure they are else where also. I'm considering the 'dunk'...
  19. NewspaperFort

    J Barclay's growlist

    Drosophullum lusitanicum Dionaea typical Dionaea 'cup trap' Want: more cupped trap varities Drosera capensis Drosera anglica Drosera binata Drosera filiformis Drosera spatulata Drosera 'hercules' Drosera rotundifolia Drosera x obovata want: wooly sundews! especially broomensis...
  20. pik

    Pik's Circulating Bog

    After reading Est's how-to and trading a few PMs I thought a circulating bog was quite feasible for me. Pictured is actually a reworked version of my first go. I learned quite a few things from trial and error: Problem 1: A completely open circulating system with just a pond pump and irrigation...