Help! return of the pest w/ pics
how do they get into a nearly sealed chamber!? driving me not enthusiastic about repotting either since my echinostoma was comatose for almost 2 months. based off what i have read it seems to be a combination of aphids and fungus gnat larva. they are pissing my plants off. here are a couple pics....i had to use a cheap magnifying glass in conjunction with the camera to get the magnification i have here but still needs more. the need oil doesn't seem to be effectively killing these things...any other suggestions? The little white bugs have either 6 or 8 legs but i do know the front 2 legs stick out a ways past the head. there is also silk on the soil surface and what appears to be a funnel web upon further inspection. I think there is a 3rd bug too but way too fast to photograph.
how do they get into a nearly sealed chamber!? driving me not enthusiastic about repotting either since my echinostoma was comatose for almost 2 months. based off what i have read it seems to be a combination of aphids and fungus gnat larva. they are pissing my plants off. here are a couple pics....i had to use a cheap magnifying glass in conjunction with the camera to get the magnification i have here but still needs more. the need oil doesn't seem to be effectively killing these things...any other suggestions? The little white bugs have either 6 or 8 legs but i do know the front 2 legs stick out a ways past the head. there is also silk on the soil surface and what appears to be a funnel web upon further inspection. I think there is a 3rd bug too but way too fast to photograph.
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