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William (complete reboot)

Hm, the original title isn't so fitting anymore...

Lots of changes, lost lots of plants moving back between college... but lots survived too! Also some cool new species, including one that's been on my want list for a while.

New stuff from BCP is here!


South African
D. aliciae*
D. natalensis Chimanimani Mtns.*

South American
D. arenicola - Akopan Tepui, Venezuela
D. camporupestris - Serra de Cipo, MG, Brazil
D. communis - Jalapao, Brazil
D. esmeraldae*
D. graomogolensis - Itacambira
D. hirticalyx - Cerro Marahuaca
D. hirtella
D. latifolia - Bandeira Peak
D. magnifica
D. riparia - Bahia, Brazil
D. roraimae
D. solaris - Maringma Tepui, Venezuela

D. binata
D. oblanceolata
D. spatulata*
D. x tokaiensis (?)


South American
G. aurea - ? (arrived mislabeled as "G. margaretae, Madagascar")
G. aurea - Caparao, MG, Brazil
G. exhibitionista - Cachoeira da Fumaca, Brazil
G. flexuosa x lobata
G. filiformis - according to recent info, actually the real filiformis!
G. lobata - Espirito Santo, MG, Brazil
G. metallica - Itacambira, MG, Brazil
G. repens - Cerro Neblina
G. roraimensis
G. nigrocaulis - Duida
G. violacea - Couto de Magalhaes
G. violacea - Serra da Caraca, Minas Gerais, Brazil (Almost certainly some the flex x lobata hybrid)
G. uncinata

South African
G. glandulosissima - north of Kasama, Zambia
G. hispidula - Lentibu, Zimbabwe
G. margaretae - Comuna Calucinga, Angola
G. subglabra (doubtful ID - probably G. nigrocaulis)
G. subglabra (true)


P. calderoniae
P. crassifolia
P. gypsicola
P. heterophylla (white flower)
P. laxifolia
P. moranensis
P. parvifolia
P. rectifolia

P. primuliflora


U. aff. reticulata - Liberec Bot. Garden, Czech Rep. (most likely U. graminifolia)
U. amethystina - purple flower
U. appendiculata - Swaziland, Africa*
U. aureomaculata - Murosipan Tepui
U. beaugleholei
U. biloba
U. blanchettii - pink
U. caerulea - western Ghats, India
U. calycifida 'Lavinia Whateley'
U. delicatula - Whangamarino Swamp, New Zealand
U. dichotoma - Beernak, Victoria, AU (arrived with wrong ID as tuberous form)
U. erectiflora - Florianopolis, Brazil
U. flaccida
U. fulva
U. hirta
U. hispida - lowland Gran Sabana under Akopan Tepui, Venezuela
U. involvens - Gunung Jerai
U. lateriflora - Rainbow Beach, Queensland, AU
U. laxa
U. livida 'Merrie Heart'
U. longeciliata
U. longifolia
U. minutissima - Gunung Tahan, Pahang, Malaysia
U. nana - clone I, green leafs, Gran Sabana
U. paulineae
U. praelonga
U. prehensilis
U. pubescens
U. pusilla
U. rostrata - Chapada Diamantina, Brazil
U. smithiana
U. simplex - Karridale, WA
U. spec. Kerala - India
U. subulata
U. tricolor
U. triloba - St. Elena*
U. uliginosa
U. uniflora

Epiphytic (Orchidioides + Iperua)
U. alpina (no location data)
U. alpina - 'Pittier Moon'
U. asplundii
U. endresii
U. humboldtii
U. humboldtii - broad leaves, Cerro Neblina
U. jamesoniana - Canyon del Diablo
U. nephrophylla - pink flower
U. praetermissa
U. reniformis - large form (U. cornigera?)''

Questionably Alive
U. parthenopipes

Want List
G. guianensis or G. sanariapoana
U. kumaonensis, U. garrettii
U. striatula, or others from sect. Phyllaria (esp. U. furcellata!)
D. hirtella (w/ location data)
D. cayennensis
D. camporupestris from other locales
G. nebulicola
G. oligophylla
U. huntii
U. arcuata
U. menziesii
all other Genlisea not on my growlist
WA Utrics in general
any other Utrics not on my growlist
any South American Drosera not on my growlist
D. stelliflora
D. hilaris
L. cleistandra
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