TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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This is for anyone who participated in the 2015 NASC auction as a donor or bidder (even if they did not win an auction). Completely free--I'll pay the postage.
Winner, chosen randomly, picks one of the following. I'll let this go through the end of April.
1) Begonia bogneri plant:
Hi everyone,
I'm Howard. I've been getting back into carnivorous plants after a 3 year gap. I have a Nepenthes (not sure about the species) that I've had for almost 10 years.
Here's a list of plants I have acquired in the last few months:
Aldrovanda vesiculosa
Utricularia gibba
Hi all and sorry for the long post! I just figured it would be better to ask 1 big question and introduce myself at the same time than flooding the forum with 23 identical questions :) I hope you can bare with me!
See I've got a big problem. Until recently I was happily...
William (complete reboot)
Hm, the original title isn't so fitting anymore...
Lots of changes, lost lots of plants moving back between college... but lots survived too! Also some cool new species, including one that's been on my want list for a while.
New stuff from BCP is here...
Here is a short listing of the ones I have for trade, I'm mainly looking for Utricularia's I don't have followed by Genliseas, Peperomias (vining types), VFT variations, miniature (under 4") Ferns, miniature (under 4") orchids, and anything under 4" that goes really well in vivariums with high...
Of the following species from my Grow List, which is now pared down, due to winter losses, which would benefit from having colder temps and which are better off remaining at my window sill at room temp all year round.
alpina tubers
U. flaccida
D. californica
N. ampullaria cutting
C. follicularis
D. pygmaea
D. carburup
D. nitidula (Ericksonii)
B. linoflora, D. binata
Assorted Mexican pings, D. aliciae, D. spatulata (Hong Kong), live LFS, P. (Aphrodite), U. livida - not that one can see all that in those...
Hello everyone, here is my grow list. Little old with some additions missing but pretty accurate. Current 2/05 additions coming soon, couple losses to.
ald1 Japanese form
ald2 Australian red form NSW near Mertens Creek above Big Mertens Falls near Mitchel Falls, Kimberley...
Here's a variety pack of Utricularia that I'm offering. Winner pays the $3.85 shipping cost. I'll only ship within the USA. Utricularia will be sent out in 1" plugs.
humboldtii? - looks like a praelonga
longifolia - non flowering kind... at...
Hi all,
As you know I have had some health problems lately. I was in the hospital on and off for a couple of weeks. My daughter was supposed to water the plants, but in all the hub bub they were forgotten. Could anyone help in replacing them. I would be glad to pay postage or trade plants...
Byblis liniflora
Darlingtonia californica
D. adelae
D. aliciae
D. binata var. Multifida
D. burmanni beerwah, QLD
D. capensis
D. capensis 'albino'
D. dielsiana
D. indica
D. intermedia
D. madagascariensis "Botswana"
D. nidiformis
D. roraimae Araca
This is what I am offering
U. tricolor -(2)
U. calycifida 'Gran Sabana' - (0 -all gone)
U. sp-1 - (2)
U. unknown (subulata or laterifloria probably) - (5)
U. sandersonii 'Blue' - (6)
U. sandersonii - (5)
U. praelonga - (4)
U. flaccida - (3)
U. sp-2 - (1) (a livida type)
U. Tricolor w/ a little...
Trades will come first in importance and will be sent out ASAP.
After trades I will take SASE ($2 for bubblelope or $3 small box and shipping). If SASE -
first - PM me,
second - send the money, making sure to have a return addresss and a note stating which plants and what your forum name...
Im running short of spare plants to trade, but Utrics do grow fast. Plants with a * next to them are currently available for trade. I also have 2 1/2" pots, I can sent them out of to 90 in a box. Also looking for pings
Utricularia Grow list-
U. alpina
U. amythstina
I have tons of 2 1/2" pots to trade for any plants i dont have! Im primarily looking for Utrics I dont have, also mexican pings and drosera. I know everyone can use these!
My grow list (pm me for updates):
Cephalotus follicularis
1. D. aliciae {seed}
2. D. anglica {seed}
3. D...
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