TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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I have the following species available for trade (fairly recent pictures can be found in my growlist). I'm mostly looking for Utricularia and highland Drosera but feel free to offer other plants too.
Utricularia alpina
Utricularia amethystina (purple and white flower forms)
I have the following plants available for trade:
Drosera communis
Drosera flexicaulis
Drosera riparia
Drosera roraimae
Drosera spiralis
Utricularia alpina
Utricularia amethystina
Utricularia appendiculata
Utricularia bifida
Utricularia biloba
Utricularia chrysantha
Utricularia cornuta...
After a long pause growing plants I recently started againin January 2016. Hopefully the spring will allow me to ramp up slowly and see what species I can grow outside without much trouble.
- D. californica
- D. muscipula typical form
- D. muscipula (sprouted)...
I have various Utricularia species for trade. I am looking for subtropical Drosera and Utricularia species I don't have.
These are the species available:
Utricularia appendiculata
Utricularia alpina
Utricularia warburgii
Utricularia tridentata
Utricularia rostrata
Utricularia biloba...
Things are looking fine, so I thought I would show off my propagation and labelling efforts...
U. pubescens "Serra Caraca", finally getting established.
U. rostrata, from some location or another. Still establishing from the CZ.
My FAVORITE! U. blanchetii. It is like a fine grass, so...
Hey! So these are my pictures from when I went to Hawaii last week.
Try and see how many plants you can name, there will be a few freebies.
It's not really a contest, but I guess the winner of the most gets some kind of reward in the future. Don't forget to have good sportsmanship.
I've recently started moving the bulk of my plants into more landscaped setups in an effort to reduce my weekly maintanance time. So partly due to practical reasons and mainly due to odd compulsions I have :banana2:.
First up is this one that I'm planning on allowing Utricularia rostrata to...
N. Sanguinea
N. Maxima Giant Tentena
N. Maxima x (Lowii x Ventracosa)
N. Ventracosa
N. Glabrata
N. Rajah
N. Spectabilis x Aristolochioides
N. Ampullaria "harlequin"
N. Ramispina
N. Tentaculata
N. Jacquelineae
N. Fusca "flared peristiome"
N. Bicalcerata "sarawak giant"...
William (complete reboot)
Hm, the original title isn't so fitting anymore...
Lots of changes, lost lots of plants moving back between college... but lots survived too! Also some cool new species, including one that's been on my want list for a while.
New stuff from BCP is here...
These are succulent and passionflowers that I have to trade
Adenia keramanthus
Adenium obesum
Adenium hybrid (white blooms)
Adromiscus several un-named-cutting
Agave victoria-reginae-
Agave americana
Agave americana varigated
Agave attenuata
Agave augustifolia marginata
Agave calmiane ferox...
Heyo everyone
Here are a few pics of my pergola and some of my plants. I'll be fixing it up a bit when summer starts, like adding a shelf on the back and installing a sprinkler system. I'm also gonna try to make the surroundings more "gardeny."
Heliconia guyana
Hello everyone!
I have a few pics for you. They are all small plants that don't show anything special right now, but I'm hoping to do a "before and after" thread after a few months. So anyway, here they are!
Dischidia pectinoides:
(Look at all those flowers!!! )
A ginger...
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