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  1. T

    various plants

    I have the following species available for trade (fairly recent pictures can be found in my growlist). I'm mostly looking for Utricularia and highland Drosera but feel free to offer other plants too. Utricularia alpina Utricularia amethystina (purple and white flower forms) Utricularia...
  2. Edson

    my list

    Typical muscipula Dionaea Dionaea Bohemian Garden Byblis liniflora D. Adelae D. affinis D. Binata T-Form D. Binata multifida (new changes) D. burmannii D. burmannii Hong Kong D. burmannii red D. capensis D. capensis Alba D. capensis "Giant" (changes) D. Capillaris Long Arm D. hartmeyerorum...
  3. T

    various Utricularia and Drosera

    I have the following plants available for trade: Drosera communis Drosera flexicaulis Drosera riparia Drosera roraimae Drosera spiralis Utricularia alpina Utricularia amethystina Utricularia appendiculata Utricularia bifida Utricularia biloba Utricularia chrysantha Utricularia cornuta...
  4. D

    Looking for Utricularia striata for scientific research

    Hello you all. I am a brazilian biologist and I am running my doctoral research on the floristics, ecology and conservation of the Paraná State (southern Brazil) carnivorous plants. During my fieldwork , I found a new aquatic Utricularia species. The closest species is Utricularia striata, and...
  5. D

    Looking for trades......

    I got a few different seeds if anyone's got anything to trade... Mostly looking for any CP's but Let Me know what you got.. my seeds available to trade Milkweed. Ricinus communis (caster bean) Dahlias. Open pollenated Drosera Intermedia (mass) Drosera Binata Sarracenia Purpurea. Norfolk Co...
  6. F

    Article: Elucidating the D.montana complex

    Hello everyone, Here is another call to correct your plant labels! :) A few colleagues and I have just published a 35-page review of the D. montana complex. Like our previous publications on Brazilian sundews, this paper has been decades in the making and it has definitely been the most...
  7. L

    Growlist of Lutz

    Once I was in a store and there was a corner in which some really strange plants were standing. They shall eat meat or something like that and they are probably dangerous. No risc no fun. I took one of the glistening with the sticky leaves. About 10 years later ...... Cephalotus Cephalotus...
  8. rcl27

    Cody Lawson's (rcl27) Grow List

    Cephalotus: Cephalotus (typical) - Flytrapcare Cephalotus (typical) - carnivorousplantsshop.eu Cephalotus "Double Ribbed" - JCal Cephalotus "Emu Point" - JCal Cephalotus "Hummer's Giant" - JCal Cephalotus "Phil Mann" - JCal Cephalotus "Squat" - JCal Dionaea Muscipula: Dionaea "Typical" - Lowes...
  9. T

    Tanukimo's Growlist

    List: (photographs below) Drosera adelae Drosera binata var. dichotoma Drosera collinsiae x burkeana Drosera aff. lanata 'Flying Fox Creek' Drosera madagascariensis Drosera natalensis Drosera paradoxa white, 'Type form', Lady Dreaming, Arnhemland, NT., Australia Drosera roraimae Drosera...
  10. Cthulhu138

    WANTED : South American Drosera

    I'm looking for plants, seeds or leaf cuttings of the following species : camporupestris cayennenis cendeensis colombiana communis crysolepis esmeraldae graminifolia hirtella hirticalyx kaiteurensis meristocaulis montana var. montana montana var. tomentosa quartzicola roraimae schwackei...
  11. V

    tuco's grow list!

    canoinhas city, santa catarina state, brazil 26°10'38" south 50°23'24" west 765mts above sea level (köppen-geiger: Cfa) - adult plants: sarracenia - sarracenia alabamensis 'thornsby' CR - sarracenia alata 'red lid' desoto CR - sarracenia flava 'gold' CR - sarracenia flava 'red tube' JMP -...
  12. jimscott

    I've Been Stalked...

    This is what is ending up flower stalks right now: D. omissa D. indica D. hartmeyerorum D. capensis 'Broadleaf' (Brie) D. burmannii (Divaskid) D. communis (Crissytal) D. hamiltonii (Crissytal) D. nidiformis (Mgher) B. liniflora (Mickey)
  13. Keith

    Shortbus' growlist (I'm new at this...can you tell?)

    Keiths' growlist Growlist Key "[]"numbers in brackets indicate quantity of plants available for trade, "+"indicates more plantlets started and/or sprouts "*"indicates seed pack/s available for SASE, limit 1 per request while supply lasts, PM for details No brackets = No trade Byblis-Rainbow...
  14. Keith

    What are these dews?

    I recieved a few sundews earlier this year at the very generous price of free and they were all nicely labeled, but I have lost a few labels and question the accuracy of a few also. Seems like an oppertunity to play name that dew so here goes. Sorry for the pic quality..a cave man took...
  15. GemStateC

    D. communis var breviscapa plantlets

    I have 4 small communis var breviscapa plantlets produced from false vivapory and a bunch of other small plantlets up for trade. I'm looking for D. slackii, south american dews, petiolaris dews (except paradoxa), but feel free to make offers for other things. You can see the false vivapory...
  16. C

    cpbobby's growlist

    Nepenthes: Bicalcarata Mirabilis Var Echinostoma Baramensis Winged Grabilis Nigro Grabilis Nigro Gracilis Anamensis Coccinae Ampullaria "Crimson" as I call it. Miranda King Tiger Northiana Sarracenia: Aerolata Alata Catsbae Bog witch Pur x Minor Scarlet Belle Maroon Throat Alata Leucophelia...
  17. SgtSarracenia

    Growlist SO Far......

    This is what I have so far. Just because I have it, does not mean I would not be interested in more. So if you have something available that is on my list don't count me out. UPDATED 3/22/15 Drosera ‘Snyderi’ adelae admirabilis ‘Ceres’ admirabilis 'Floating' aff. Petiolaris ‘Pin...
  18. Keith

    Iowa City, Iowa

    Hello everybody I am from Iowa and am an orchid enthusiast turned CP enthusiast. I have grown plants all my life, but this will be my first year with CP's. Thanks for looking. Here are a few pics of my bog pots in October 2012 Here are some dews around the same time. Drosera...
  19. R

    Seeds of Bonsai, Vegetables/Fruits, Palms etc.

    Hey, I have some seeds for offer: Fruits: 32x Annona cherimola 1x Musa acuminata 23x Carica papaya 8x Psidium guajava Palms: 16x Phoenix roebelenii Bonsai: 74x Myrtus communis 1x Bolusanthus speciosus Flower: 60 Italian White Sunflower Vegetables: 100x Giant Ox...
  20. erick

    erick gronwlist nov 2011

    - Aldrovanda vesiculosa - Dionaea muscipula (Venus Atrapamoscas) - Droseras: * Aliciae * Anglica * Binata * Capensis (red) * Capensis alba * Rotundifolia * Scorpioides * Filiformis * Neo-caledonica * Adelae * Prolifera * Dielsiana * Burmanni(red) * Burmanni(alba) * intermedia * Pygmea *...