TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Hi folks,
Up for trade are two Black Wattle or Acacia melanoxylon plants, grown from seed provided by Randy Story. They're displayed above but will be bare-rooted for shipment. These are botanically quite interesting because they produce wonderful feathery leaves like a Mimosa as well as...
5 Mimosa pudica - sensitive, bashful, shrinking, sleepy dormilones shy plant seeds
Guaranteed germination. I personally tested these seeds. In under two weeks you will have several seedlings that respond to your touch!
USA only - I will cover the shipping cost. Starting bid $1. Will also ship...
5 seeds for the bashful or shrinking, sensitive plant, sleepy plant, Dormilones or shy plant
Guaranteed germination. I personally tested these seeds. In under two weeks you will have several seedlings that respond to your touch!
USA only - I will cover the shipping cost. Starting bid $1...
Hey, guys. Rather than post for each individual plant, or every time I have/want something new, I figured doing all of my trading in one the place would make things easier to keep track of, for everybody.
Dionaea Muscipula (Venus Flytraps):
"FTS Crimson Sawtooth"
Drosera (Sundews):
I have tons of these! I didn't think this many would germinate out of the 100 or so seeds I got.
<a data-flickr-embed="true" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/132211299@N05/23612443684" title="mimosa pudica"><img src="https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1719/23612443684_b7e1d9493a_z.jpg"...
I have 20 Mimosa Pudica seeds offered in a giveaway. This is a non-carniverous plant. It is however a very fun,easy, and interesting plant to grow. The leaves retract if they are touched. But then they recover to full in a short time. It has a beautiful pink flower that reminds me of a fiber...
Nepenthes attenboroughii SG JH
Nepenthes attenboroughii SG AS
Nepenthes hamata MT
Nepenthes edwardsiana NE
Nepenthes fusca (flared peristome) BE
Nepenthes glabrata BE
Nepenthes inermis AW
Nepenthes jamban x2
Nepenthes jamban x dubia SG
Nepenthes lamii AW S
Nepenthes palawanensis...
Seed trade list:
Carnivorous plant seeds:
D. Capensis 'alba'
D. Paradoxa
D. Sessilifolia
D. Pygmaea
D. Affnis
D. Derbyensis
D. Peltata
D. Burmanii
D. Nitidula
N. Reinwardtiana
N. ligulata (not alot)
Succulent seeds:
Aloe Cameronii (red aloe)
Aloe vanbalenii (cinnamon...
Seed trade list:
Carnivorous plant seeds:
D. Capensis 'alba'
D. Paradoxa
D. Sessilifolia
D. Pygmaea
D. Affnis
D. Derbyensis
D. Peltata
D. Burmanii
D. Nitidula
N. Reinwardtiana
N. ligulata (not alot)
Succulent seeds:
Aloe Cameronii (red aloe)
Aloe vanbalenii (cinnamon...
Trying to get some new activities together and new projects for myself and the kids (once this rain stops! Of course)
I have a bunch of differe types of species of cacti succulents and mesemb seeds as well as some lotus andvother seeds like catnip and mimosa that i have plenty to trade to ppl...
Lately Ive been noticing that members are updating trade lists and posting
about requests in regards to trading. I really enjoy the trading aspect of this forum
and sometimes I overlook peoples trades, or theyre just obscure enough for me not to
find/notice. Even sometimes members go inactive...
Here is another offering from a friend here. Fresh seed collected a couple of days ago. Relatively uncommon around here, originally from a nurseryman who specialized in unusual offerings. The parent is growing in a chalky alkaline soil, though it may tolerate others...
What are the categories of moving, "Sensitive Plants" that aren't carnivorous?
What are the categories of sensitive, moving plants that you know of, besides the carnivorous ones?
They are neat because they are animal-like.
I had some small, seedling sensitive plants that are native to the...
It's been a while since I've grown CPs, being in college and all, but I scored a single room next year and I'd like to get back into the hobby at a reasonable scale by germinating a few things (we'll see how long the "reasonable scale" thing lasts). I'm looking for seeds from the following...
wondering if mimosa pudica or the other sensitive pant with yellow flowers NEED distilled water ,
idk the name of the yellow flower sensitive plant but looks very similar to mimosa . I assume its either Partridge Pea or Neptunia plena(aquatic sensitive)
guess I wont know till it flowers or the...
I am giving away 1 pack of allantostigma gemmae ending on sunday do the usual cut and paste method please send me a SASE if you win
also giving away a pack of mimosa giant seeds with 15 seeds here's a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimosa_pudica it's...
It's been 9-10 years since I've had a carnivorous plant. But I recently picked up a VFT from the local hardware store and spent hours remembering my login info(couldn't get passed the text verfication). I am looking for various vft and drosera, N. Amp (green) and N. Jacquelineae, from seeds to...
Hello all,
Decided to post this thread here to see what kind of success others have had with the moving plants that are out there. Currently I have Mimosa pudica, and Desmodium gyrans, both doing very well, and they clearly move fast enough to see as we all know.
On the...
UPDATE: Looks like August 24th at 12:00pm is the best time to meet at my place. Email me for an address.
Hello Colorado! It looks like I have some extra plants that I would like to trade with other Colorado enthusiasts. I was thinking we could all get together some Saturday in August or early...
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