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Francisco S.

Riverside Carnivores
Hello everyone, this is what I currently have growing at Riverside Carnivores! I have included the links where I purchased from.


1. Minor
(damonnorman999 on eBay)

2. Red Bug (carnivorousplantshop on eBay)

3. Love Bug (damonnorman999 on eBay)

4. Doodle Bug (Reptile Expo Show 2015) (damonnorman999 on eBay)

5. Lady Bug (damonnorman999 on eBay)

6. Flava Var. Rubricorpora (Bay Co,FL) (Predatory Plants)

7. Flava Var. Rubricorpora (Liberty Co, FL) (Predatory Plants)

8. Flava Var. Ornata 'Improved Black Veins' (Predatory Plants)

9. Flava Var. Ornata 'Black Veins'
(Bulloch Co, GA) (Predatory Plants)

10. Flava Var. Rugelli (Predatory Plants)

11. Flava "Extreme Red Throat" (Predatory Plants)

12. 'Abandoned Hope' (California Carnivores)

13. Godzuki (California Carnivores)

14. Leucophylla 'Tarnok' (California Carnivores)

15. Leucophylla 'Hurricane Creek White' (Predatory Plants)

16. Leucophylla (Baldwin Co, AL) (Predatory Plants)

17. Purpurea (Home Depot & Lowe's)

18. Purpurea 'Smurf' (carnivorousplantshop on eBay)

19. Purpurea 'F. Heterophylla' (www.eBay.com/usr/OudeansWillowCreek)

20. Scarlet Belle (carnivorousplantshop on eBay)

21. Psittacina (carnivorousplantshop on eBay)

22. Dana's Delight (Reptile Expo Show 2015, CA.)

1. Dentate (Home Depot & Lowe's)

(Flytrap Store Venus Flytraps)
2. Microdent
3. FTS Lunatic Fringe
4. Coquillage
5. Wacky Traps
6. Korrigans
7. B52
8. FTS Maroon Monster
9. FTS Crimson Sawtooth
10. Pink Venus
11. Cross Teeth
12. BristleTooth
13. Polish Dracula
14. Cupped Trap
15. Triton
16. Korean Melody Shark
17. Fused Tooth
18. Jaws

1. Drosera Capensis "Alba" (Home Depot)
2. Drosera Venusta (Predatory Plants)

1. Cephalotus Follicular (Flytrap Store)

1. Miranda (Home Depot $29.99 Hanging Basket)
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