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  1. tmurphy44870

    My little shop of horrors.

    Nepenthes. N. miranda N. ventrata N. maxima "wavy leaf" N. maxima "lake poso dwarf" N. robcantleyi (QoH x KoS) N. "Lady luck" Sarracenia. S. leucophylla "Tarnok" S. "Bug bat" S. Dana's delight S. Purpurea Drosera. D. capensis D. capensis "wide leaf" D. binata D. regia D...
  2. bioflyer

    Paracarnivorous lady in my garden

    Hi everybody! I share with you some pictures of a mystery plant that grows naturally in my garden (as a weed). Viscosity of the substance produced by trichomes is far more efficient than with droseras. I'd like to identify it (at least the family name) Is it, according to you, a...
  3. Acro

    Squat Neps

    I'm looking a Nep that is Fat and Short and Squat all over! If it's red, that's an added bonus. Lady Luck comes to mind, but I'm open to many others. The more Squat, the better!!! It will be grown indoors, so please keep that in mind when making an offer. In trade, I have available...
  4. T

    Toms growlist

    CEPHALOTUS Typical x7 Typical (Charles Brewer) x2 Typical BE clone Typical 'dark' clone Hummers Giant x3 Hummers Giant JHG x2 Hummers Giant self poll SG Hummers Giant CZ clone Eden Black (Stephen Morley) Eden Black (Jeremiah Harris) Eden Black (Jörn) Triffid Albany Black Brewer's Red x2 Coal...
  5. N

    My grow list

    This is what I'm growing out at the moment: Nepenthis: "Lady Luck" from Borneo Exotics (I used to grow more Nep's but they grew way too large for my setup so I found a grower friend to adopt them) Heliamphora's: H. minor var. minor (FTS) H. minor var. minor "Big Orange" H. heterodoxa x...
  6. goldtrap2690

    Darlingtonia Californica & Have: Nepenthes 'Lady Luck'

    Have: Nepenthes 'Lady Luck' Hi everyone, HAVE: 7 Nepenthes 'Lady Luck' (6"-12" wide/8" tall) 1 VFT BZ 1955 (3" pot size) 1 Sarracenia 'Cobra Nest' (3" pot size) LOOKING FOR: Sarracenia x excellens Drosera rotundifolia Drosera capensis Wide Leaf Drosera capensis Bainskloof Drosera regia...
  7. C

    Cory' grow list

    Sarracenia S rubra ssp alabamensis S. Danas delight S. Hummers hammerhead S. Psittacina Walton Co. FL wilkersons bog S alata red lid S oreophylla sand MT al. S alata "maroon throat" S flava var cupurea S leuco x flava var ornata S flava var ornata S minor S minor "Okie giant" S catesbaei x...
  8. fredg

    One foot, no legs

    This is one of the new kids on the block. I used to look after a few hundred Limax. They enjoyed a nightly feed of birdseed, wholemeal bread and grated cheese (It was actually being put out for the birds but the Limax are opportunists). The last couple of years there has been an influx of Arion...
  9. curtisconners

    Soil mix for n. "lady luck"

    Hey, all. I have recently acquired an n. "lady luck" and it's in a bio dome with a 1/2" plug of soil in it. Naturally, I want to re-pot it. What is the optimal soil mix for this cultivar? Any other care tips for n. "lady luck" are also appreciated.
  10. NotMyRealName

    Looking to trade neps. for neps.

    Hi. I'm looking to trade some nepenthes plants for some lowland or intermediate/lowland nepenthes plants. What I have to offer: N. Ampullaria x Ventricosa "Lady Luck" 17 inch leaf span N. Spathulata x Campanulata 7 inch leaf span with 2 pitchers N. Spathulata x Diatas 8 inch leaf span with...
  11. curtisconners

    What is this thing?

    I've had this cactus for about a year now, I bought it from a Chinese lady at a flea market who barely spoke English. All I know about it is that the leaves root readily and that the lady that I bought it from said that it would grow big. Thanks
  12. Dalton

    Dalton's Grow List

    Carnivorous Plants: -Venus Flytrap (unknown cultivar) - 2/1/14 - Death Cube -Sarracenia (unknown cultivar) - 2/1/14 - Death Cube -Nepenthes 'Lady Luck' - 8/15/2015 - Online Retailer -Venus Flytrap (unknown cultivar) - 3/2/2016 - Death Cube -Nepenthes Ventrata - 4/4/2016 - Alexkrein82...
  13. Shadowtski

    Shadowtski's Grow List

    Mike's Grow List and Wish List 06/03/2017 Extra 2016 Seed for Trade or Giveaway Byblis liniflora (Limited Quantity) Drosera aliciae (Limited Quantity) Drosera binata "Coromandel NZ" (Small Red T Form) Drosera burmannii "Green" Drosera capensis "Alba" Drosera capensis "Giant" x Self Drosera...
  14. apoplast

    ventricosa x ampullaria sexes

    Hi TF - There are a couple nice and easy to grow ventricosa x ampullaria ("x vetrillaria", can that be a thing?), 'Lady Luck' and 'Bloody Mary'. Are these two different clones? And if so, does anyone one know what the sexes are for each of them? Sure, I could assume from the names that they...
  15. Dalton

    Need help with N. Lady Luck, my first Nepenthes

    Hello everyone. I was hoping you guys can help out with a few questions I have about my Nepenthes 'Lady Luck'. This is my first nepenthes. I ordered from a guy online, because the pitchers looked a really cool shade of red and this plant is supposed to do well indoors. Amazon says I ordered it...
  16. R

    Mona's Grow List

    Mona's Grow List Cephalotus: Clone #1 Common Typical Ron Gagliardo Clone Coal Mine Beach Hummer’s Giant Czech Giant ‘Vigorus’ ‘Black Eden’ Hasting’s Clone #2 Dionea: Typical x2 Cup Trap Red Pirahna Red Dragon Akai Ryu Drosera: Delisiana Hamiltonii Intermedia Burmanii Brevifolia Spatulata...
  17. Dalton

    Hello from SC - Dalton

    Link to Short List Hey everyone! I live in upstate South Carolina. I've been growing plants for years and I like to look for a new challenge when the plants I have are growing well. I've got Peace Lilies, Spider plants, Snake plants, Philodendron, multiple succulents, and several orchids. I...
  18. Dalton

    Dalton's Grow List

    Last Updated: 3/2/2016 Dalton's Grow List: Venus Fly Trap (x2) - ~2/15/14 Sarracenia - ~2/15/14 * I got the above two plants from a big box store. It was one of those cheap boxes where the plant was half dead. I live in SC, so I just repotted them and put them in water trays. The VFT has done...
  19. NotMyRealName

    NotMyrealName's Grow List

    Here's my updated "Grow List", although mostly nepenthes. I do have many other exotic non cp related plants. I can list those when trading. N. Splendiana x Ventricosa "Mata Hari" N. Ventricosa x Alata "Ventrata" N. Sibuyanensis x Talangensis N. Ventricosa x Campanulata N. Ventricosa x Lady...
  20. F

    FLTropical's Growlist

    Nepenthes bicalcarata 'maurdi red' Nepenthes copelandii 'apo' Nepenthes bicalcarata 'marudi' Nepenthes 'viking' Nepenthes ampullaria 'bau green' Nepenthes x 'suki' Nepenthes x hookerania Nepenthes x 'lady luck' Nepenthes ampullaria 'lime twist' Nepenthes x ventrata VFT Various sarricenia...