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Venus Fly Traps

(30) Dionaea muscipula (typical)


S. X "Love Bug"
S. Leucophylla "Tarnok"
S. X "Judith Hindle"
S. Leucophylla
(2)S. Leucophylla "Hurricane Creek White"
S. X "Dana's Delight"
S. Purpurea Venosa
(5)S. Flava var. Atropurpurea X var. Ornata

Pinguicula Moctezumae


(20+?)Drosera Spatulata
Drosera Scorpioides
Drosera Venusta (? questionable, marked as possibility)
Drosera Capensis

N. X "Emmarene" (N. Ventricosa x N. Khasiana)
N. Ventrata (thanks JB!)
N. "St Pacificus" (N.Ventricosa x N. Ramispina) (Thanks RL!)

N. Sanguinea

N. Alata

D. Capensis
D. Filliformis (germinated 10/20)
S. Leucophylla "Hurricane Creek White" 11/6 (WOOT!)

Drosera Seeds:

D. Venusta (9/7/2012)
D. Spatulata (9/7/2012)
D. Spatulata "Fraser Island" (9/7/2012)

Sarracenia seeds:
S. Purpurea (sown 10/5/2012)
S. X open pollinated mix (sown 10/5/2012)
S. x "Scarlett Belle" X Unknown - cold strat 11/3

Tissue Culture/In-Vitro
S. Leucophylla "Hurricane Creek White" - In-vitro 10/24/2012
S. X "Love Bug" - In-vitro 10/24/2012
S. Leucophylla "Tarnok" - In-vitro 10/24/2012
S. X "Judith Hindle"


Cattleya Amethystoglossa
Non-carnivorous plants:
Variegated Hosta (lots of these, not sure exactly what type they are)
Variegated Pothos vine (Epipremnum aureum)
Cleopatra Canna Lily
Asiatic lily "Cancun" (cold strat 9/13)
Mixed Asiatic lily seeds (in cold strat as of 9/13)
Adenium Obesum (Desert Rose) var. "Green-vanilla"
Grape Hyacinth (I think...it didn't flower and I forgot what it is, lol)
Cerinthe "Blue Shrimp Pride of Gibraltar"

Mimosa Pudica

Lobelia Monsoon

Mimosifolia fern

Ghost peppers



S. X "Reptilian Rose"

P. Esseriana
P. Primiflora

Dionaea Muscipula B52
Dionaea Muscipula "Paradisa"

H. "Tequila"
H. Nutans
H. Minor hybrid
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