TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Okay so my Nepenthes sanguinea decided to put out some more basal shoots(5 basal shoots produced in 2 months :p wow) and I was wondering if anyone would trade some utrics for some basals. I may trade for drosera or sarracenia but it depends on what species. I will definitely trade for a S...
New stock arrived 2/16/17 so the plants are smaller, but on sale!! I just took this photo and it is the next one to go out! Since they're growing so quickly... I don't know how much longer this sale will last. Get yours now! Nepenthes sanguinea pitcher – FlyTrapShop
Nepenthes sanguinea...
Happy Presidents' Day! If you happen to have been waiting for either of these items to be available, they are! N. sanguinea is even on sale :-O
Venus Fly Traps and other Carnivorous plants For Sale at FlyTrapShop
Hi all,
I wanted to share photos of a few of my plants.
N. maxima wavy leaf
<a href="http://imgur.com/5HztNzO"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/5HztNzO.jpg?1" title="source: imgur.com" /></a>
<a href="http://imgur.com/smHPdzO"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/smHPdzO.jpg?1" title="source: imgur.com"...
I have the following species available for trade (fairly recent pictures can be found in my growlist). I'm mostly looking for Utricularia and highland Drosera but feel free to offer other plants too.
Utricularia alpina
Utricularia amethystina (purple and white flower forms)
Things I've got
affinis “Namibia”
alicea "silvermine (?)", strap-leaf form
anglica “Alakai Swamp”
x "Andromeda (BCP cross of D. prolifera x schizandra)
binata "Waihohonu Desert"
burmannii: Humpty-Doo, Hann River, Hong Kong Red
capensis "big pink", red...
(Mirabilis var. Globosa X Ampullaria) X Boschiana
(Mirabilis var. Globosa X Rafflesiana) X (Ampullaria X Northiana)
Fusca "sarawak"
Binata var. multifida extrema
I have had a lot of time one my hands :-))
Genus Brocchinia
- Brocchinia reducta
- B. guehoi
- B. liniflora
- B. filifolia x guehoi
- C. follicularis (a beautiful plant from Nauz)
- D. californica
- D. californica seed grown...
I've been experimenting with growing Nepenthes hydroponically since March 2015, so for about a year and a half now. I'd like to share my results in this thread, and then give some details about my method. Thanks to TF member knuckles for sharing with me his experiences growing Nepenthes...
S rubra ssp alabamensis
S. Danas delight
S. Hummers hammerhead
S. Psittacina Walton Co. FL wilkersons bog
S alata red lid
S oreophylla sand MT al.
S alata "maroon throat"
S flava var cupurea
S leuco x flava var ornata
S flava var ornata
S minor
S minor "Okie giant"
S catesbaei x...
Smooter80's grow list updated 11/25/15
New arrivals
5-23 Nepenthes
burbidgeae x trusmadiensis EP SG
ephippiata SG
inermis SG
jamban SG
lowii x veitchii (k) EP SG
lowii x Sabre Dark Cherry EP SG
talangensis x mira
chimantensis Chimanta Tepui AW
elongata Ilu Tepui AW...
There is a specimen of sanguinea en route to our house this week, and I was wondering how big their root systems can get and what size pot we should put it in. The claim is that its a 6 inch hanging basket- but six inches isnt even enough to hold the roots of our capensis! Do you guys think that...
I lied... :jester:
If there is anything that I don't have for trade, but you are dying to have, send me a pm and I'll see if I see what I can start propagating for ya. I'm always looking for different clones than what I have, so if you have something I already have on my growlist, send me a...
Hello guys,
What is going on with this ventrata?... i give it 5 hours of direct sunlight and it is standing next to a sanguinea and a rebecca soper that look good. Some time ago I had problems with its pitchers not totally forming and leaves all green, now it's the complete oposite: dark big...
Finally. I never take the time to get nice photos of my plants that I feel are presentable enough to make the effort of putting them on the forums. However, I took a few nice photos today (for Instagram with my not-so-good phone camera) while I was renovating my highland terrarium so I feel like...
Does anyone know a source for Nepenthes in Canada? I went to Hawaiian Botanicals yesterday but all they have is alatra, ventricosa and sanguinea. I was hoping to find rafflesiana or bicalcarata. Or maybe a rafflesiana hybrid. I want something showy for a large vivarium.
Hello, My name is Chris Duncan and I have been growing carnivorous plants for 5 years now. After a few deaths with the recent horrible winters I have actually gotten good at this. So far I have tried my hand at Flytraps, Nepenthes (lowland, highland, and hybrids), sarracenia, drosera(only...
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