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  1. S

    Growing Nepenthes in pure sphagnum

    I will be re-potting my Nepenthes soon because most of them are showing high pH stress from back before I got my water pH under control by using RO water and additional treatment with hydroponic pH-down solution. Is there any disadvantage (besides cost) to just growing everything in long-fibered...
  2. Zath

    Fruit fly culture Q's

    I picked up two vials of FF yesterday to start up cultures for seedlings, spider slings, etc. Despite both of them being labeled as "flightless", I got a vial of both flightless and wingless, so...bonus? Anyway, the recipe I used was the simplest one I could find. Instant potatoes, powdered...
  3. C

    Carnivorous Garden Teaser, Time Lapse

    HEY folks! S0 I had a thread a little while ago about my Biolapse project where I am filming timelapse clips of carnivorous plants as they grow and develop. I had received a lot of great tips and advice, and the plants appear to be healthy and they are currently taking a break after a full...
  4. xvart


    Hello, everyone. I haven't been posting much because I haven't really grown many CPs the last few years. I have one Nepenthes now on my porch, a decently size ventrata. Recently it has been getting eaten up by something and when I water I often find large grasshoppers on it. Do grasshoppers eat...
  5. C

    Purpurea turning brown.

    I have a small plant in a 2.5 x 2.5 inch pot outside, it gets about 14 hours of light each day and is in a tray of rainwater. The tops of the pitchers are turning a dusty brown color and feel a bit dry, even though they only just grew. Also, something looks like it was munching one one of them...
  6. Zath

    D. Adelae (mold on new growth?)

    D. Adelae 6-24-14 by the_bugman_cometh, on Flickr Just wondering if this is mold, or something else (hairs?). It's in pretty bad shape, I think it's almost certainly going to lose most of it's existing leaves. My only form of mold control atm is to manually remove what I can, and spray the...
  7. twigs

    Starting over, advice needed for highland chamber

    I grew Nepenthes and Heliamphora reasonably well with a basement setup in St. Louis for about 5 years. After moving to an apartment in Texas, my plants suffered and either died off or I gave them away. Now I'm moving to a house (still in Texas) where I'll have more room. I really want to get a...
  8. BioZest


    I haven't posted here lately. My plants haven't done anything remarkable recently, but I thought this was pretty cool. The Nepenthes Spathulata x Ventricosa seeds I received from this auction germinated (I think)!: This is my first germination ever, so I'm super excited. I have a few...
  9. CorneliusSchrute

    Dem Snails

    Anybody use snails in their carnivorous plant water trays? I had heard of some folks implementing these little guys as algae control. I have began thinking about it lately after I noticed some snails doing their thing in one of my small tubs of Ultricularia and Aldrovanda. The plants themselves...
  10. Zath

    (VA, USA) New to the Organic Bug-Destruction hobby.

    I'm (extremely) new to the hobby, though my enthusiasm for CP's goes back nearly 20 years (how can that be!?). As such, I've accumulated a teeny-tiny collection, while simultaneously devouring every F.A.Q., discussion, tutorial, opinion, etc. on the cultivation of CP's in general. I also own...
  11. theplantman

    Treating Nepenthes Leaf Rust

    Hi guys! I suspect that I have a maxima that is beginning to show rust spots on the lower leaves. Upper leaves are fine and the thing is growing like mad (5-foot-long vines), so I will do some feeding to confirm it's not nutrition because I haven't fed in about a month. Anyway, I'm looking to...
  12. Chris_Himself

    New order came in!

    These have got to be the healthiest size small plants I have ever ordered from any nursery hands down. I FINALLY got one of the N Robcantleyi clones and it's sweeeet! Seriously look how healthy some of this stuff is. Please forgive the pic of them outside, a couple plants got a little cold...
  13. Chicxulub

    Ethics of habitat restoration...?

    Hello all. As some of you may know from my other recent thread, I have recently completed my second tour of duty in the Army and I am now home after eight years away. Now that I am back, I am once again managing my grandmother's acreage for her, acreage that is prime habitat for CPs. The...
  14. C

    Time Lapse Photographer, New here!

    Good afternoon everyone! :-D Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Chris, and I am a hopeless forum junkie. I really hope to learn a lot from you folks :) I run a company building motion control systems for timelapse photography and i have been getting into what I call Biolapse. I have put...
  15. anramitaco

    Lecanopteris sinuosa (ghse1guy $15)

    Up for auction is one small Lecanopteris sinuosa division. Opening bid is $2. Shipping (bare root, USPS w/ tracking) is on me. Continental US only. [/URL][/IMG] This is a small division of my main plant, growing in LFS on a SW windowsill. Note the old nibbled leaves in the first photo...
  16. Axelrod12

    WTT aquatic plants for CPs

    I want to expand my CP collection but don't have any CPs to trade with. I do however have an excess of some aquatic plants that I can trade off, some grown emersed some submersed, I will try to specify which. I'm making the list mostly from memory without going down to check the bins at all so...
  17. P

    Hello from Montana!

    My name is Devon and I'm a botanical enthusiast living in Montana. I'm fairly new to carnivorous plants. I've tried growing the before with little success, but now I've really committed myself to giving them everything they need and they seem to be responding well. I'm currently in possession...
  18. R

    Kelvin effects on Cephalotus? Has there been any testing?

    In the next few weeks I will be ordering a good amount of LEDs for the Cephalotus rack I'm putting together and my first instinct would be to go with LEDs with a daylight range. However, I've read a few posts here and there about people using different ranges and getting better coloration...
  19. Axelrod12

    How am I doing so far?

    I want to get some help from the more experienced people here to see if I'm doing anything wrong or if there's anything I can do better. I was at a local garden center a week ago and kinda impulsively purchased two CPs they had there. I've had them IDed as N. x ventrata and D. Capensis...
  20. theplantman

    Moss Control

    I was just hoping to poll you guys on how best to control non-Sphagnum moss growth on sundews. It grows so abundantly in my greenhouses that it suffocates everything. My current strategy consists of ripping the top layer of media off and transplanting the sundews back in after I've tweezed the...