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Terraforum’s Third Annual Calendar Contest for 2013!

Hello folks! It’s that time again where we want you to whip out your cameras and take the opportunity to strut your CP growing and photography skills!

Rules, rules, rules, rules….

As with the previous calendar contests, all rules must fulfill the minimal requirements for submission. If your submission fails to uphold all the rules, it is in danger of being disqualified. The rules are slightly different this time around so, please read through them.
1) Minimum size for submissions will need to be a size of 3264 x 2448 pixels (8 MP) or higher.
2) Photos must be of a carnivorous plant or plants, taken by you. The plant(s) in addition, must also belong to you, or be photographed in-situ.
3) Photos submitted must be in landscape format.
4) You may submit up to 5 photographs this contest.
5) You may submit photos submitted in other contests aside from the calendar contests (ie POTMs/PlantOTMs)
6) DO NOT post your submissions on this thread, rather please send them as an attachment to:
. Your submissions will be prescreened by a judging panel and photos chosen will be posted on this thread for the final community voting.
7) Please include your name, username, the name of the plant (scientific), and any additional info you'd like to add such as location data for in-situ photos, or cultivation perimeters.
8) By submitting, you are allowing Terraforums to utilize your photo for the 2013 calendar publishing as well as possible post-photo processing (if necessary) and cropping of your photos.

Because of the late start getting the calendar together, submissions must be submitted by November 7th, 11:59pm (PDT). Community voting process will commence from November 8th to November 15th.

Have fun taking those photos and good luck!
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Two questions.

1. Who does the prescreening "judging panel" consist of?
2. landscape format? Wide instead of tall, yes?

thank you in advance for putting together yet, another cool calender.
hope you're able to approve my pics this year..
I've had a few set aside just for this. :awesome:
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Sweetness amphynoodles!
Two questions.

1. Who does the prescreening "judging panel" consist of?
2. landscape format? Wide instead of tall, yes?

thank you in advance for putting together another yet, another cool calender.
hope you're able to approve my pics this year..
I've had a few set aside just for this. :awesome:

To answer your questions:
1) Frankly, I don't think it matters who is part of the judging panel--we will make unbiased selections based on the photo's content, composition, focus, perspective, not based on a member's status in the community. A good photo is a good photo. Everyone has a fair chance. The judging panel may be revealed after the prescreen process, but to keep things unbiased as possible, we will keep the panel under wraps for now.

2) Yes, wide instead of tall.

No problem, and good luck Mass and everyone else
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Hello folks! It’s that time again.....

8) By submitting, you are allowing Terraforums to utilize your photo for publishing as well as possible post-photo processing (if necessary) and cropping of your photos.

Please clarify: by granting TF the right to "utilize your photo for publishing", what exactly does that permission include? Are we granting TF' the right to use the photo(s) for any/all purposes in the future, for promotional purposes? If so, this needs to be expressed in much more specific language, please. If we are granting permission for the photo(s) for the purpose of generating the content for this calendar only, that needs to be stated clearly. Thanks.

Woot Woot yay you're making me a calendar! I ran out of months on the last one to go write in the January BACPS...
The title of this thread is regarding the 2013 calendar contest so your photos will be used in the production, sale, and giveaway of that calendar. I wouldn't use a photo from a calendar contest for any other reason, just like I have not in the past 2 years... If I came up with an idea for something else regarding any of the pictures I would definitely seek additional permission for that.
The title of this thread is regarding the 2013 calendar contest so your photos will be used in the production, sale, and giveaway of that calendar. I wouldn't use a photo from a calendar contest for any other reason, just like I have not in the past 2 years... If I came up with an idea for something else regarding any of the pictures I would definitely seek additional permission for that.

Thank you for elaborating on that, Andrew. In this era of intellectual property as it pertains to artists, photographers more than ever face situations where their work is potentially at risk for being used in ways it was not intended. So it's important to seek clarification of "terms of use" clauses so people know explicitly what their work is being sold/given for. I did not intend on making this a contentious issue, I simply wanted to be very sure in my own mind what "utilize your photo for publishing" meant in this context. Thanks!

I look forward to everyone's submissions; there have been a lot of amazing photos appear here over the months.
Rules updated for clarification
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  • #10
Does Photobucket have the capability of turning pictures from portrait to landscape?
  • #11
You can rotate the image but then the vertical axis becomes the horizontal axis. You can always crop a photo to be "landscape" however the composition will most likely be drastically altered. The resulting image might be less than 8 megapixels too.
  • #12
So, how would I go about finding out how big a pic is? Is knowing the MP of the camera good enough? Or do I need something else?
  • #13
Peat your camera should have setting to select the image size you want to shoot with. Say your image is 1600 x 1200 pixels. Multiply them together and you get 1,920,000 pixels, or 1.92 megapixels.

Right clicking on the img file on your computer and selecting "info" or something similar should show you the pixels.
  • #14
Peat, make sure that the camera is on the highest resolution setting before you take the pictures. Then you know that the image is at its largest.

For correct terminology, I would like to suggest a slight change to the rules, changing the limit to image dimensions rather than megapixels. I'd leave the Mp in parentheses, as a guideline. For example: "Image size should be NO LESS THAN (I'm guessing here) 1,000 by 500 pixels (your camera must have at least 8 megapixels).

See, megapixels is measuring the sensor size, not the image. It is easier to limit the final product, especially for those that like to (need to) resize and/or crop, like me. I have plenty of Mp, but I usually downsize drastically. Technically, I can submit my images that are 600 by 400 pixels, because my camera has 12 megapixels. ;)

Just sayin'.

I'll shut up and go take pictures, now.
  • #15
To answer your questions:
1) Frankly, I don't think it matters who is part of the judging panel--we will make unbiased selections..

With all I've had to put up with this year, it matters. Matters to me anyways..
I most definitely think we deserve to know who is determining whether or not our photo's are "worthy" of the public vote.

"we" will make unbiased decisions? Does this mean you're on the judging panel?
Are the judges allowed to make pic entries into the contest? Would seem a little biased.
If not, how are we to know who is and isn't making entries as a judge.. since it's a super duper secret?

Why even have a secret judging panel? Seems silly to even give the public a vote if you go that route.
I mean, what makes this super secret panel of judges so high and mighty that they can judge OUR pics prior to the public? You're giving an unelected group of people the power of choice. Can you blame me for wanting to know who these people are?
Is this panel made up of Devon, Paul, and Brie? If so, I have no qualms. I trust their judgement since their photography skills far surpass anyone elses around here. Didn't need a private panel the past couple of years. The TF poll vote seemed to work just fine.

Also, when we posted our pics to a public thread, we were able to go back and change our entries prior to the deadline, which I liked.
That privilege has been taken away with the email entry system. No biggie, just wanted to pass on a "previous participant's" observation for the upcoming years..
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  • #16
Why even have a secret judging panel? Seems silly to even give the public a vote if you go that route.
I mean, what makes this super secret panel of judges so high and mighty that they can judge OUR pics prior to the public? You're giving an unelected group of people the power of choice. Can you blame me for wanting to know who these people are?
Is this panel made up of Devon, Paul, and Brie? If so, I have no qualms. I trust their judgement since their photography skills far surpass anyone elses around here.

I am not a "judge" on this panel, just so we are perfectly clear on this. I have no problem, personally, submitting work for a juried process; I've done it many times over the years for professional exhibitions, so this ain't a new idea to me. If anything I would prefer to have my work judged by a "secret" panel than have my photos submitted for public voting, since there is room for favoritism to play a part and corrupt the process when everyone gets to vote. My work is up to snuff, so I just don't have an issue with an undisclosed panel making the choices.

The bottom line: this is TF's sandbox, TF's rules, and TF's calendar to print and distribute. Like most things in life, if you don't like the rules, just don't participate. Its that simple. (These comments are not aimed at any one individual in particular, they are simply an expression of personal opinion, so please take it in context)
  • #17

guess I'm just on the defense from the whole POTM ordeal.
Please excuse my being difficult..
I'll retire to my cubbyhole now.
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  • #18
I'll retire to my cubbyhole now.

The cubbyhole where you will be hard at work editing and polishing your photos for submission......THAT one? ;-)
  • #19
that's the one buddy ol' pal.
  • #20
For correct terminology, I would like to suggest a slight change to the rules, changing the limit to image dimensions rather than megapixels. I'd leave the Mp in parentheses, as a guideline. For example: "Image size should be NO LESS THAN (I'm guessing here) 1,000 by 500 pixels (your camera must have at least 8 megapixels).

Noted and updated.