I've been looking into starting a ny carnivorous plant society. Our society will work hand and hand with other cps societies like the new england carnivorous plant society, North American Sarracenia Conservancy and the infamous international carnivorous plant society to help protect and conserve carnivorous plants around the world not just locally. We will also help spread the knowledge of these spectacular plants to the general public in not only how to care for carnivorous plants but on how vital the protection of their habitat is, not only to carnivorous plants themselves but the thousands of other rare and unique creature that call a bog home.
If you are interested in any way shape or form please feel free to send me a pm or post directly onto this post.
Thanks alot for taking the time to read about my future endevours but also taking the time to possibly consider to help spread the word of protection and care of these uniquely fragile plants.
If you are interested in any way shape or form please feel free to send me a pm or post directly onto this post.
Thanks alot for taking the time to read about my future endevours but also taking the time to possibly consider to help spread the word of protection and care of these uniquely fragile plants.