TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Hi yall, ive been growing cp's for a few years here and there, and since I'm somewhat settled in my current place, I thought I'd set up a more permanent grow shelf. I dragged a free-standing wooden shelf from the backyard to my bedroom's south-facing window, put a few trays of live sphagnum and...
Marcus's Growlist
C. follicularis
D. muscipula typical
D. anglica Kanaele Bog, Kauai, HI
D. anglica near Lake Constance, Germany
D. "burkeana" (most likely not!)
D. capensis albino
D. capensis broad leaf [pictures]
D. capensis typical
D. capillaris
D. filiformis
Aldrovanda vesiculosa - Japanese
B. reducta
B. liniflora
'Akai Ryu'
'B-52' x 'Ginormous'
'Bristle Tooth'
'Cup Trap'
D. scorpioides
D. helodes x pulchella
D. binata
D. dichotoma 'Giant'
D. filiformis var...
SOme new pictures of my plants
Unknow dionaea clone with very long hairs par dals009, sur Flickr
Dionaea 'black star' par dals009, sur Flickr
Drosera "pretty rosette" par dals009, sur Flickr
Sarracenia psittacina par dals009, sur Flickr
Dionaea 'charlie mandon spotted' par dals009, sur...
My growlist:
-Stylidium caespitosum
-Genlisea aurea
-Heliamphora minor var minor Auyan
-Heliamphora minor var pilosa Auyan (Many different genetics)
-Heliamphora minor 'burgundy-black'
-Heliamphora minor 'big orange'
-Heliamphora minor 'selection 1'
-Heliamphora minor "aonda giant"
This is what I have so far. Just because I have it, does not mean I would not be interested in more. So if you have something available that is on my list don't count me out. UPDATED 3/22/15
admirabilis ‘Ceres’
admirabilis 'Floating'
aff. Petiolaris ‘Pin...
My Plant List:
sanguina Ulu Kali
x gentle
x ventrata
maxima x trusmadiensis
ventricosa x ephipiata
Lovelock NN5201181 merrilliana hybrid
Caesar NN1250251
Lorraine NN4881048 singalana x boschiana
Predator HCEP112
Curiously enough, two species that have responded most quickly to the return of normal growing conditions, after almost four years of nearly total dryness.
Their names are spelled and sound similar, but they are entirely different in appearance.
Pinguicula rectifolia -->
and Pinguicula...
Hello I am growing several pinguicula species and am offering leaf cuttings/ rosettes of each of these for trade. I have not yet pulled leaf cuttings nor made rosettes for trades because I am limited on space and have had difficulty in the past with filling my tank with pinguicula that were not...
I am trying to get rid of some doubles and even triples of the pings I have in order to make room for some other plants. Up for trade will be 2 medium size gigantea x moctezumae plants, 1 flowering P. 'pirouette', 1 medium P. agnata and 3 medium P. 'Titan' plants (they look small right now due...
I am on the lookout for any of the following pinguicula:
PM me
Pinguicula 'Crystal'
Pinguicula agnata {scented flower} *
Pinguicula agnata var. tamaulipes {Eastern of Vinder Victors, Mexico}
Pinguicula colimensis
Pinguicula crassifolia
Pinguicula debbertiana {white flower}
Pinguicula ehlersiae...
Carniv. Plant GROW LIST:
(It just doesn't seem like I have this many!?):0o:
I also have lots of live sphagnum moss!
-sanguinea ‘green’*
-sanguinea ‘red’
Hi All,
I'm putting up this list- I'm trying to gauge how to go about doing this: I'm hoping to offer the following to those in the general area where I live, near Philadelphia, PA, or anyone who wants to come here from where ever, as I'm pretty sure some would drive a bit for some of these...
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