TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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This has gotten a little out of date - decided to move the list to a google sheet - check it out here.
Mexican and hybrids
• P. agnata (scented flower) *
• P. agnata (true blue) *
• P. agnata 'El Lobo' *
• P. cyclosecta
• P. cyclosecta x emarginata
I tried to germinate CP seeds in test tubes filled with distilled water, using a magnifying glass to easily see when they started to germinate and sprout a root and leaves. I tried tropical and subtropical species, mostly Drosera. I wrote that up a few months ago as CP Water Germination...
I'm a beginner that just recently received their first seeds. :)
I have-
D. Burmannii
D. Capensis alba and red
D. Binata
D. Omissa
D. Finlaysoniana
D. Spatulata
2 cuttings for nepenthes ventricosa
Akai Ryu VFT
Typical VFT
Arriving soon-
N. Ventrata × (bellii × ventricosa) seeds
Mike's Grow List and Wish List
Extra 2016 Seed for Trade or Giveaway
Byblis liniflora (Limited Quantity)
Drosera aliciae (Limited Quantity)
Drosera binata "Coromandel NZ" (Small Red T Form)
Drosera burmannii "Green"
Drosera capensis "Alba"
Drosera capensis "Giant" x Self
Hi Everyone,
I know we all like photos, so I thought I would share some of my collection in this thread.
Hope you enjoy.
Please feel free to correct me if I label any of these wrong.
D. Burmannii
Pygmy (Drosera pulchella x omissa)?
note: They flower like crazy all summer long. They...
So last long weekend I decided to plant a whole bunch of seeds, mixed sundews including capes, tokaiensis, aliciae, omissa, burmannii, filiformis, dreamsicle, some vft seeds and utricularia as well. Today I was inspecting each pot individually and I noticed on the vft seeds at the very tip of...
After a long pause growing plants I recently started againin January 2016. Hopefully the spring will allow me to ramp up slowly and see what species I can grow outside without much trouble.
- D. californica
- D. muscipula typical form
- D. muscipula (sprouted)...
I have about 6 or 7 Drosera omissa 'Pink Flower' plants, along with some gemmae of D. roseana and D. patens. To qualify for this giveaway you must live in the US, and have both donated AND bid on items in the recent auction. You do not need to have won an auction. I will ship these at no cost to...
My pygmy sundews are still producing gemmae in profusion, but I've planted up all the space I can spare for them. There is only one solution, it's time for a giveaway! To receive gemmae I will ask for a small shipping fee (Christmas has wiped me out for now).
I have gemmae from D. pulchella, D...
I currently have gemmae available for trade from D.omissa "Pink Flower" and D.rosea. I'm looking for gemmae from Pygmy Drosera that I don't currently grow. No hybrids please.
D.omissa "Pink Flower"
Here's my current list of Pygmy Drosera:
x'Lake Badgerup' (patens X...
Boom! Who doesn't love pictures? We all love pictures, and this thread is where you'll find a lot of mine!
Here's an overview of the current collection.
From back to front:
1. S. x readei
2. Darlingtonia californica
3. S. flava v. rugelii x flava v. maxima / D. binata
4. S. minor v...
Updated 2/21/2015.
S. alata
- S. alata var. nigrapurpurea (Mike Wang)
S. flava
- S. flava var. rugelli x var. maxima
- S. flava var. cuprea
- S. flava var. rubricorpora (Liberty Co, FL) (various clones) (Mike Wang)
- S. flava var. rubricorpora 'agristats' x var. ornata (Phil...
In April 2010 I was walking to the top of campus at SFSU and passed by the University green house. They were having a plant sale and I decided to check it out. I ended up purchasing a Sarracenia x readii and had no idea what I was getting myself into or how I would get swept up with the...
What is your experience with the gemmae production times?
D. allantostigma
D. androsacea
D. barbigera
D. callistos
D. citrina var. citrina
D. citrina var. nivea
D. closterostigma
D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala
D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes
D. x Dork's Pink
D. echinoblastus
D. eneabba
What is your experience with the flowering times?
D. allantostigma (April & May)
D. androsacea
D. barbigera
D. callistos
D. citrina var. citrina
D. citrina var. nivea
D. closterostigma
D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala
D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes
D. x Dork's Pink
D. echinoblastus
D. eneabba...
My "sunken bed" under construction. I am going to begin collecting and breeding Sarracenia on a massive level. I'll also be
producing some seeds for the ICPS from this. So much empty space...
Baby Drosophyllum
D. x nagamoto
Cleistocactus baumannii
Pilosocereus azureus
D. burmannii...
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