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  1. ignis

    ignis grow list

    DIONEES -Dionea muscipula type PINGUICULAS -P. Agnata -P. agnata {El Lobo} -P. conzattii -P. cyclosecta -P. debbertiana white flower clone} -P. ehlersiae {Santa Catarina} -P. elehrsiae 'ascencion' -P. Elehrsiae (sp.Tolantonga ) -P. emarginata (red leaves, MW clone) -P. emarginata (red...
  2. rcl27

    Cody Lawson's (rcl27) Grow List

    Cephalotus: Cephalotus (typical) - Flytrapcare Cephalotus (typical) - carnivorousplantsshop.eu Cephalotus "Double Ribbed" - JCal Cephalotus "Emu Point" - JCal Cephalotus "Hummer's Giant" - JCal Cephalotus "Phil Mann" - JCal Cephalotus "Squat" - JCal Dionaea Muscipula: Dionaea "Typical" - Lowes...
  3. Crissytal

    Looking for P. filifolia

    Hello everyone, I'm still looking for P. filifolia seeds or plants. I'm also looking for other harder to find Pinguicula such as P. nivalis and P. immaculata. I'm sure we can get something worked out. Crystal
  4. B

    Looking for a few Pinguicula

    Looking for P. sharpii, oblongifolia, acuminata, filifolia, immaculata, lilaciana, takakii, medusina, and nivalis. I have lots of duplicate mexican ping species and hybrids, a few neps, drosera, and utrics. pm me and we'll work something out- Birdman
  5. P

    Looking for Pinguicula

    I am on the lookout for any of the following pinguicula: PM me Pinguicula 'Crystal' Pinguicula agnata {scented flower} * Pinguicula agnata var. tamaulipes {Eastern of Vinder Victors, Mexico} Pinguicula colimensis Pinguicula crassifolia Pinguicula debbertiana {white flower} Pinguicula ehlersiae...
  6. P

    Plantae777's Grow List

    Currently Cultivating: Cephalotus follicularis Hummers Giant Cephalotus follicularis Hummers Giant Cephalotus follicularis LG Typical Drosera aliciae Drosera prolifera Drosera regia (SNW) Drosera regia (germinated seedlings 8/10 Dec-09) Drosera falconeri Drosera schizandra Drosophyllum...
  7. Joseph Clemens

    Pinguicula reticulata (long time dry)

    Here is a recent photograph of Pinguicula reticulata after having been dry for, at least, sixteen months: These little red ones certainly look very much like Pinguicula immaculata. Curious that of the hundred or so plants I had of this species, most perished, and only this pot had plants of...
  8. blokeman

    blokeman`s grow list

    All plants listed are form canadian suppliers only.... and cp'ers too Aldrovanda Vesiculosa (RIP) Byblis Liniflora Cephalotus Folicularis (merci Labine) Darlingtonia Californica 01-07-08 (RIP) Dioneae muscipula Akai Ryu 15-11-08 Dente 01-07-08 Typical 01-07-08, 28-11-08 Big Mouth...
  9. rattler

    looking for................

    plants or seeds of: P. vallisneriifolia P. macroceras P. longifolia P. alpina P. immaculata P. caerula P. lutea SEEDS ONLY! P. laueana P. esseriana S. purpurea D. graminifolia D. indica D. prolifera Darlingtonia(not Lowes type plants, looking for divisions from established plants) Byblis...
  10. Jefforever

    Jeff's Updated 2-12-07

    Jeff's Updated Growlist Utricularia: Orchidioides: Alpina "Pitter Moon Form" - Pyro Alpina - Pyro Alpina - Crystal --> Colieo Asplundii - Ice Dragon Quelchii "Mount Wei" - Jeff Quelchii x Humboldtii - Jeff Quelchii x Praetermissa - Jeff Iperua: Humboldtii - Rattler_mt Nelumbifolia - Jeff...
  11. Pyro

    Looking for Mexi-Pings

    I realized the other day that my growlist was not quite up to date in the Mexi-Ping area because I have had a slow accumulation of losses that I had not logged. I am looking to replace the following: moranensis (Molango) moranensis var rosei laueana CP3 laueana SP2 crassifolia conzattii...
  12. P

    Plantae777's Grow List

    Currently Cultivating: Cephalotus follicularis Hummers Giant Cephalotus follicularis Hummers Giant Cephalotus follicularis LG Typical Drosera aliciae Drosera prolifera Drosera regia (SNW) Drosera regia (germinated seedlings 8/10 Dec-09) Drosera falconeri Drosophyllum lusitanicum Nepenthes...
  13. pingman

    Peter's grow list

    want list: looking for different petiolaris group including hybrids! still want pings: colimensis laueana hybrids medusina heterophylla filifolia other Mexican species Here's a partial list of some of my more interesting plants: Tropical (Australian) Drosera: brevicornus aff. brevicornus...
  14. indymental

    Indymentals growlist u.k

    SARRACENIA alata typical alata-double flower alata black tube alata red lid areolata brooks hybrid catesbai chelsonii comptonensis ex Bank farm 218 courtii courtii x wrigleyana dianne whittaker dixie lace excellens x leucophylla excellens red flower excellens yellow flower...
  15. F

    flytraps2000's growlist

    Hello everyone, here is my grow list.  Little old with some additions missing but pretty accurate. Current 2/05 additions coming soon, couple losses to. Aldrovanda ald1 Japanese form ald2 Australian red form NSW near Mertens Creek above Big Mertens Falls near Mitchel Falls, Kimberley...
  16. F

    Forbes' list

    Steve (Bugweed) was shocked and dismayed when I told him that my growlist was not online, so here it is. If interested in a plant, please feel free to contact me, preferably via email. I may not have a spare, but can always add it to my list of plants to propagate. (edited 9 21 06; quite a...
  17. H

    Horticulturist's growlist

    This is my growlist. It is quite pathetic right now...I had a mass dyeout when I went to Boston for a week. We turned the AC off to save money, and everything got FRIED!! You see my terrarium is upstairs in my room, and heat tends to rise. Texas summers can get pretty toasty too, so I lost...
  18. seedjar

    Joe knows how to grow!

    Last updated: 2008.04.27 ------- --- Growing: - CPs: Cephalotus follicularis Darlingtonia californica Dionea muscipula var. 'Big Mouth' 'Creeping Death' 'Dente' 'Finetooth + Red' 'Green Dragon' 'Petite Dragon' 'Pink Venus' 'Red Dragon' Typical Drosera adelae anglica binata binata binata...
  19. homer

    Homer's growlist

    Updated February 11, 2007 Cephalotus follicularis Darlingtonia californica Dionea muscipula 'Akai Ryu', and "typical" Drosera adelae admirabilis ceres alicia ascendens [Ron Lane, September 2005] anglica Borneo 8 burmanni burmanni "Beerwah" capensis "alba" capensis "typical" capensis "red"...
  20. S

    Seans growlist-

    Here is my latest growlist- South African Drosera Drosera admirabilis Drosera admirabilis 'Ceres, RSA' Drosera admirabilis 'Palmiet River, RSA' Drosera admirabilis 'seed from holotype' Drosera affinis 'Namibia' Drosera aliciae Drosera burkeana Drosera capensis 'Mini Red' Drosera capensis...