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  1. M

    hamata x platychila ft seeking nice raff or ampullaria

    Hi, I have a nice hamata x platychila for trade. It's roughly 8 inches in diameter. I'm especially interested in nice clones or seedgrown plants of ampullaria (a nice tricolor would be awesome) or rafflesiana, but might trade for some other Nepenthes. I already have these: Cantley's red lime...
  2. C

    2 of my smaller lowland nepenthes; opinions about how they look??

    hi, Attached are 2 pics of my other 2 nepenthes....from what I can tell both seem healthy despite being the raffesania var elongata being repotted once since it was planted about a month ago and the bicalcarata being repotted 4 times in 2 months. Both were repotted about a week ago from thrips...
  3. thez_yo

    Voting for Plant of the Month June 2012 (pics and link)

    The link for voting: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/w8/~andru/cgi-perl/civs/vote.pl?id=E_c222cffd6e0c71b0&akey=bf5e6dd32a873249 Good Luck everyone!
  4. C

    **need help** with mirabilis var echinostoma

    I rcd one about a week ago but it's not doing so well and need some friendly advice to help it recover. it is just starting to show some brown spots and most of the leaves are "droopy". I have a lowland terrarium with a small bical and raff var elongata in it and they are doing fine...however...
  5. Maiden

    Maiden growlist

    My growlist: -Stylidium caespitosum -Genlisea aurea -Heliamphora minor var minor Auyan -Heliamphora minor var pilosa Auyan (Many different genetics) -Heliamphora minor 'burgundy-black' -Heliamphora minor 'big orange' -Heliamphora minor 'selection 1' -Heliamphora minor "aonda giant" -Heliamphora...
  6. Favian

    My newest Addition

    Just got this in the mail! N. rafflesiana var. elongata ( does anyone has this species as an adult? I've seen only a few pictures online & they are beautiful) Full plant, so lil...lol
  7. SgtSarracenia

    Growlist SO Far......

    This is what I have so far. Just because I have it, does not mean I would not be interested in more. So if you have something available that is on my list don't count me out. UPDATED 3/22/15 Drosera ‘Snyderi’ adelae admirabilis ‘Ceres’ admirabilis 'Floating' aff. Petiolaris ‘Pin...
  8. mass

    Heliamphora group for trade

    Wanting to trade my entire group of helis in one deal. I don't want to split them up, and have to worry about shipping to numerous people. I have: H. chimantensis H. elongata H. heterodoxa x minor H. 'Tequila' PM me if your "seriously" interested.
  9. Av8tor1

    New heli book, major drool

    Wistuba, McPherson, Nerz and Fleischmann.... oh my, this can only mean.... yes, the Aztecs were correct LOL, the heli world as we know it is gone forever!!! oh and hell just froze over LOL http://www.redfernnaturalhistory.com/books/name/sarraceniaceae_of_south_america WOW! Heliamphora...
  10. GemStateC

    GemStateCarnivore's GrowList

    My Plant List: Nepenthes: ampularia "melvino" sanguinea sanguina Ulu Kali x gentle x ventrata ventricosa maxima x trusmadiensis ventricosa x ephipiata Lovelock NN5201181 merrilliana hybrid Caesar NN1250251 Aeonium truncata Lorraine NN4881048 singalana x boschiana Predator HCEP112 robcantleyi...
  11. BigBella

    Looking for a few Helis . . .

    After losing a few very nice flowering-sized plants to a slack-jawed punk who was -- supposedly -- house-sitting for me, while I had to be away; I am looking to replace a few that are either toast or may be headed that way. I have lots to trade, from other Heliamphora species to seed-grown...
  12. N

    Heliamphora to trade for Heliamphora

    I have mature divisions of H. ionasii "Triplett Clone" and H. heterodoxa "Gran Sabana Giant" which I will trade for similar divisions of Heliamphora. The varieties I have are particularly nice clones, and not easy to find. Am interested in some of the less common species, like H...
  13. Adam

    Repotting Question

    Can I repot my Echinocactus grusonii, Mammillaria elongata, Mammillaria gracilis var. fragilis, and dragon fruit into a mixture of Miracle Gro and Perlite? Thanks, Adam
  14. L

    Leoš´s grow list

    Grow list * Brocchinia reducta * Catopsis berteroniana * Cephalotus follicularis Dionaea * Dionaea muscipula * Dionaea muscipula "Red form" Drosera * Drosera adelae * Drosera adelae ´Giant´ * Drosera admirabilis * Drosera aliciae * Drosera anglica * Drosera ascendens * Drosera auriculata...
  15. turkeypig

    Things that i want and have, as of the time of writing...

    BEFORE YOU PM ME, READ THE BELOW MESSAGE!!! Plants marked with * in the "got list" are ones i am willing to trade. If there are no "*" shown, then there are no plants i am willing to trade at the moment. NOW THAT YOU'VE READ THE ABOVE MESSAGE, YOU CAN DECIDE FOR YOURSELF IF YOU WANT TO PM...
  16. Jeremiah Harris

    Trade list 2010

    Hello, I have spent the last few hours going through my greenhouses to see what I have for trade this summer. The plants I have for trade very widely in size from very small seedlings to large plants. Please do not PM me send emails to jeremiahsplants@comcast.net My grow-list is very...
  17. pygo

    pygo's growlist

    Cephalotus follicularis Darlingtonia californica Dionaea > 'fondue' 'fused tooth' 'shark teeth' 'akaï ryu' 'dentata' 'dentate traps' 'fine tooth" red clone 2 'GC 4" 'giant big mouth' 'pink venus' 'red piranha' 'sawtooth" 'UK sawtooth'clone 1 'UK sawtooth'clone 2 f.rouge sombre f.verte type...
  18. K

    Kgrudz grow list

    CZ PLANTS IMPORT Cephalotus follicularis (20) Cephalotus follicularis Hummer's Giant (RL7836) Darlingtonia californica Dionaea typical (cooks) Drosera aliciae (jimscott) binata var dichotoma (nep101) capensis (Rocketcaver) capensis "Alba" capensis "Broadleaf" nitidula x pulchella...
  19. labine

    labine's grow list

    Hi , My grow list is : D. Binata D. Binata Dichotoma Giant D. Binata Multifida Extrema D. filiformis D. capensis green, red form, Wide leaves,Alba D. paradoxa D. Adelae D. Intermedia D. Aliciae D. Rotundifolia D. Nidiformis D. Anglica D. Closterostigma(gemmae) D. Scorpioides Large form D...
  20. Av8tor1

    New Helis

    Should ship/arrive late next week :) Not included in pic: H. elongata woohoo :) Av