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  1. quogue

    Some Pics

    Hey all, took some recent pics and figured I'd post em.... check em out: Various Clones of Flytraps Smaller Various Clones of Flytraps Some Pings A Ceph Heli 'Tequilla' Rafflesiana Elongata (Raff x Veitch) x Mixta (same parentage as Dyeriana, later cross) Little guy Bigger guy...
  2. Av8tor1


    A small collection but slowly growing. CP Grow list: List is obsolete and no longer maintained, sowwy ??? Darlingtonia californica Typical Dionaea muscipula Typical Green Dragon Dentate B52 Sawtooth Big Mouth Drosera D. filiformis var. filiformis D. graomogolensis (Itacambira...
  3. G

    Nepenthes cuttings for trade

    Hi- I've been taking cuttings recently and am interested in exchanging for anything I don't have. Here's what's available: Nepenthes 'Manny Herrera" Nepenthes Rokko Nepenthes alata 'Red Top' Nepenthes 'Dreamy Koto" Nepenthes merrilliata Nepenthes alata 'Elongata' Nepenthes Red Leopard Plus...
  4. quogue

    Some Nepenthes Photos

    Rafflesia Elongata <img src="http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f155/quogue/Carnivorous%20Plants/Raffer.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br> The Dark Side Neck Shot 2 more groups of pics of 2 more plants to come on Monday (hurrying to get outta work)
  5. quogue

    Quogue's Growlist

    Nepenthes Dyeriana (veitchii xx tiveyi) x truncata Veitchii xx Tiveyi (female) Rafflesiana Elongata 'Il de France' Ampullaria Lowii x Ventricosa Red Ventricosa x TM Eymae x (Stenophylla x Lowii) Lowii Epipheata Predator Hamata Ventrata and my first Nep: Ventricosa Red Drosera Regia Regia 'Big...
  6. E

    eBeyonder's Growlist

    My Growlist (Updated 26 May 2007): Please do not add any replies to this thread. Dionaea Typical │Pic 1│ │Pic 2│ │Pic 3│ Big Mouth │Pic 1│ Bristle Tooth │Pic 1│ Clayton's Red Sunset │Pic 1│ Cross-Teeth │Pic 1│ Fine tooth x red │Pic 1│ Low Giant │Pic 1│ Pink Venus │Pic 1│ Red Dragon │Pic 1│...
  7. Hans Breuer

    Bucket o' Pix, Part 2

    N. mirabilis x bicalcarata N. rafflesiana v. elongata N. (maxima x mixta) x talangensis Harealla retrocalla. Indigenous Taiwanese highland orchid N. x miranda, agape N. thorelii x trusmadiensis Bulbophyllum x "Elizabeth Ann" Wild 'naners
  8. N

    More Nepenthes Images

    I have had a bit more time, and thought I would post a few new pics, most of which are lowland. These images are a bit grainier than some of the ones I've posted in the past, due to experimentation with a new lens. Here is another look at a new N. hamata upper pitcher. What is interesting about...
  9. F

    FedeAbra growlist

    Cephalotus follicularis 02.05 Darlingtonia californica "Lois Gias" (MK 07.04) Dionea muscipula "Akai Ryu" (FE 05.04) "Shark teeth" 07.04 "red sawthoot" 09.05 "sawthoot" 09.05 "royal red" 04.05 "cup trap" 09.05 "long petiole" 03.06 "red piranha" Drosera adelae ascendens Bandeira Peak, very...
  10. R

    young neps

    hi all, just wanted to share if anyone had experience raising neps seeds germinated with 2 or more varieties from one parent plant. This happened to the rafflesiana elongata seeds i collected and germinated 3 months ago. 2 weeks ago i saw some plants ( i counted to date are 5 young plants )...
  11. R

    rafflesiana elongata

    2 weeks after i have sown the pollens hundreds of the babes are sprouting. Today i noticed sort of tiny pitchers on some of them. I am not sure. took pics of one and post here . Perhaps experienced growers can comment.Thank you again. Robert
  12. F

    flytraps2000's growlist

    Hello everyone, here is my grow list.  Little old with some additions missing but pretty accurate. Current 2/05 additions coming soon, couple losses to. Aldrovanda ald1 Japanese form ald2 Australian red form NSW near Mertens Creek above Big Mertens Falls near Mitchel Falls, Kimberley...
  13. srduggins


    OK, I think its time I cut this one back and repotted. It is only a maxima x fusca "elongata", but I think it looks great! Judge for yourself These are unrooted cuttings, but I can root them for you if you can wait, (and I don't run out of room). I also have some freshly rooted female...
  14. srduggins

    Steve's grow list

    Nepenthes Highland alata - Clone B alata - Clone F alata - variegated bongso burbidgeae carunculata copelandii - Mt. Apo copelandii - Pasian densiflora diatas ephippiata eymae fusca - Mamut Mine fusca - Flared Peristome hamata khasiana lowii - Mt. Trus Madi lowii - Mt. Kinabalu macrophylla...
  15. G

    Other pings with long leaves

    I just recieved a P. moctezumae and am interested in finding more Pinguicula with long leaves. Obviously P. elongata, any others?
  16. CP30

    Cp30's list

    THIS LIST IS MORE THAN 5 YEARS OUTDATED, UNFORTUNATELY MY COLLECTION IS SIGNIFICANTLY SMALLER AND LESS DIVERSE I plan to updated 12/2014 - THE BUG IS BACK, THE ITCH RENEWED! Underlined words are linked to pictures please PM with any correction to spelling or cultivars (or anything else!)...
  17. Jeremiah Harris

    Jeremiah's growlist

    GrowList 2020 Jeremiah Harris Carnivorous Plant Growlist Colorado Springs CO Jeremiahsplants@comcast.net Aldrovanda A. vesiculosa Brocchinia B. reducta Bybilis B. filifolia “Flowers mauve with pale lemon back”-Boulk area South Peninsular Kimberley W.A. B. liniflora Jeremiah's Cephalotus...
  18. R

    Rob-rah - uk - growlist

    (Updated April 2005) Some (as marked) is seed awaiting germination... <span style='color:green'>Aldrovanda</span> Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Lake Dlugie, Eastern Poland - Bestcarnivorousplants) <span style='color:green'>Byblis</span> Byblis gigantea (Bibbulman Track, robust - Allen Lowrie) (seed)...
  19. T

    Holiday photos in our greenhouse

    Hi Everyone, Michelle and I took a walk through the greenhouse on Christmas Eve. Thought we’d share some photos. Most of our plants are lowland growing and it’s so wonderful during the coldest part of the year to be able to cultivate these fantastic plants. Enjoy! This is a partial view of our...
  20. Finch

    Whats the most annoying think you can do

    I will go first (question is the topic and description) The most anoying thing iv done [here] probably would be spinning toppics off in bazare directions (leading to their ineveieble death) wich is quite  uswful for me at times- not that iv ever done it on purpouse The other would be listing...