TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Around 15 years ago, probably, I gave my mom a rooted cutting of a seedling plant of Nepenthes burkei x truncata (purchased in 1995 as a seedling from Tom Kahl). The plant grew and pitchered beautifully in my mom's kitchen window for years--a North-facing window in the SF Bay Area. The...
I was curious to what this hybrid looked like when fully mature. (or atleast older than the tiny ones on google images)
If anybody has one, could you post pictures please? Thanks :)
Well a new pitcher opened up from a leaf that has been grown under my care. A few photos of the plant are below and im just happy its doing well under my care. The lid had popped open about 1 minute before the pictures were taken. The peristome will darken up a good amount seeing the pitcher...
flava var. maxima
flava var. ornata
flava var. rubricorpora
alata 'Heavy Veins'
alabamensis wherryi
minor var. okefenokeensis 'Ware Co. Clone C'
rubra gulfensis 'Anthocyanin-Free'
purpurea venosa
purpurea venosa var. montana
leucophylla 'AJ01'
leucophylla 'Hurricane Creek...
So Ive been taking a lot of pictures lately and wanted to put them somewhere, so Ill just dump them in this thread from now on.
N. spathulata x Rob
Nepenthes burkei:
N. ventricosa "Red"
N. ventricosa (Arist x "thoreli")
Typical Cephalotus:
D. capensis seedlings starting to make...
So today was my birthday, and luckily enough a bunch of plants I ordered came ON my birthday! So I figured with my collection being a lot bigger now than it was 2 months ago, Id post a nice update with all of my plants included. This is just my indoor collection, Ill post photos of my outdoor...
At the end of this week, I'll be ordering a hybrid Nepenthes. However, I'm having trouble chossing which one I want, I like then all, but I can only get one. So I decided to ask people more knowledgeable which one they thought is best for slightly experienced newbie. The ones I like are as...
Figure I should upload some of my photos.
N. Gothica
P. moranensis
N. spectabilis giant x ventricosa
What I think is D. indica
N burkei x hamata
P. cyclosecta
Woke up to this one morning
S. purpurea montana x Leah Wilkerson
Hello there, I'm Randoja. My plan is to keep this thread updated with the progress of my plants and photos of any new ones I get as well. Everything is setup in just one south window. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions about my plants, as well as receive any advice or suggestions you...
I have a question about my growth tips. I just want to see if they are growing normally or i am doing something horribly wrong. The first is my hamata x burkei that is reviving from transportation. looking better with green coming back to the yellow leaves and the second is the same type and a...
This is my N. Burki x Hamata healthy pitcher
but there is balck growth on the smaller ones and i didnt know if this was them dieing or another cause because my larger nepenthes start dieing ing the leaves first and not a strike up the pitcher itself
For the past few years I have noticed that when I obtain a plant, its leaves have large increases in size every time a new one unfolds. I have also noticed that sometimes this doesn't always correlate to a larger pitcher. I have a burkei x hamata that is putting on large size with every new leaf...
I recieved this beautiful little plant a few weeks back and so far its doing well just want to see if anyone has any suggestions on how the growing conditions should be.
Hi everyone! i started out with a larger nepenthes i received as a gift. Recently i have acquired two small nepenthes burkei x hamata as well as a good amount of seed i am attempting to grow. Any information would be more than welcomed (particularly about fertilizer) from experienced growers...
Hi! Im new to the forums here so I figured Id make an introduction post.
Im currently 17, and I got into Carnivorous Plants when I was a little kid, and Ive loved them since :) I only have a small Typical Venus Flytrap and a small Nepenthes Ventricosa at the moment, but Im hoping to expand my...
Hi everyone!
My name is Zach, in case you couldn't tell from my cryptic username, and I am rather new to this whole carnivorous plant thing. What started as a fascination for the unusual has, in five short months, become a full-fledged addiction.
As of right now, my grow list is as follows...
I have:
D. burkeana
D. capensis 'alba narrow leaf'
D. filiformis
D. madagascarensis
D. multifada 'extrema'
D. nidiformis
D. pulchella
D. scorpioides
D. tokaiensis
D. venusta
H. minor
N. miranda
N. maxima x fusca
N. sanguinea 'pink'
N. ventrata
N. ventricosa x (thorelii x...
Grow list (6/29/2016 updated)
D. filiformis (temperate) - seed grown (ICPS seed bank)*
D. filiformis 'Florida all red' - seed grown*
D. binata [Coromandel, NZ] (warm temperate) - seed grown (ICPS seed bank)
D. binata f. multifida f. extrema*
D. binata ‘Marston Dragon'*
D. intermedia...
Hello all, figured it was about time for me to get involved with some other CP lovers!
I've got a few cephs, an n. alata, n. sibuyanensis x burkei, two sarracenias, and some Home Depot fly trap rescues. I'll hopefully acquire a heliamphora in the coming months, when it's a little nicer out and I...
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