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Hi. First of all, I couldn't think of a name, so I decided on something that rhymed, and yeah xD.

Anyways, this is a propagation update in my collection, but, I would also like to make this a reference because I'll explain how I got things to germinate/strike and what not.

VFT Pullings

VFT pullings are probably the most used, so I'll start with this first. What I do to strike VFTs is...
1. Use 50/50 perlite and peat in any sized pot (You can also use some LFS if you want to)
2. I water it until water seeps out.
3. I take the leaf pulling and lay it flat as I can. I cover the rhizome piece just slighty with a bit of peat, and cover some of the petiole with a pinch of soil to keep it down.
4. I put it in a baggie inside my terrarium (or anywhere with growlights, the baggie will hold in humidity. I also like to keep the baggie slightly open)
5. I continued to keep it wet and wait for about month, give or take.
6. You then may get plantets, take them out of the baggie and you'll get to enjoy them grow into mature plants :)

I have only done two pullings, but both have sprouted plantets for me. Here is a photo of my Akai Ryu pulling. Sorry for the poor quality

Sarracenia Germination

What I do to germinate Sarr seeds is...
1. Several options here, but I what I've done is fill a pot 50/50 peat and perlite and put a top dressing of LFS. Keep it wet, but not very wet. I then put it in a baggie, but not completely sealed. Or (I actually prefer this way) you can use a small baggie, but the seeds at the bottom, and then put wet LFS over it (not a lot, though). Completely seal it.
2. Keep it in a fridge for 4-5 weeks. Check every now and then in case of watering.
3. If you did the pot, take it out and leave it in the baggie until you have germination (as in when they shed their seeds). If you did the baggie, Fill a pot with 50/50 peat and perlite, take out the LFS and make sure the seeds come out too. Gently spread it across the surface of the soil. Put it in a baggie and take it off until seeds are shed.
Now, you still have more options. You can put itdirect sunlight, on a windowsill, or even in the sun, probably (not in a bag, though, or it'll cook). What I did was to keep it under fluorescent lights (I recommend this).
4. You can skip their dormancy for two years, but either way, you will now enjoy watching them grow for 4-6 years :).

*Note, this is the first time I've ever germinated Sarr seeds, so please, correct me if I'm wrong anywhere.

Here is a photo of some of my most mature Sarr seedlings (that batch was done with LFS in a baggie. Also, there were almost no seedlings because almost all got crushed during shipping :p. But IMO, it's a good thing since I won't be taken over by seedlings).

Nepenthes Cuttings

For those of you who receive cutting, what I do to root them is...
1. Slice two cuts, one vertical and the other horizontal, on the base, making a cross-looking cut like so +. I prefer the water method. I tried to grow it in the soil, but it seemed like it wasn't doing anything, no new growth, and seemed like it was dying (and after about a month or more, too). I took it out and put it in water.
2. I keep it in my terrarium. I tried to make it the one who received the least, hearing that they do best when it's not bright. Try to keep from changing the water as much as you can, seeing they supposedly make a hormone to root.
3. After a few weeks of waiting, I noticed growth.
4. After a few more weeks, it is growing like a normal Nepenthes, and what seems to be rooting now (and it'll be making a pitcher soon, I think)
5. (I have not done this yet) Pot them up, and get to enjoy the Nep you wanted :D

*Note, some species are harder than others to root. I am currently rooting a N. x ventrata basal. Also, this is the first time I've attempted rooting a Nepenthes.

Photo of the N. x ventrta basal. I know it's hard to see, but the roots are there, coming out of two sides. This is one of them.

Last, but not least...
Drosera Pullings

What I do is...(very simple)
1. Take a cutting.
2. Fill a tubberware container with distilled/rain/RO water, and drop it in there.
3. Put it in a baggie.
4. I recommend putting it in a terrarium/grow rack in fluorescent lights.
5. After waiting for about 3-4 weeks, you should get some sprouts.
6. (I have not done this yet) Pot them up and enjoy the Drosera :D

*Note, I've tried pullings in soil, all died.
Edit: I just checked outside in my mini-bog and another cutting of my D. filiformis struck.

Here is a photo of my D. filiformis FL Giant cutting in water. This is the first time I've struck in water, btw. (That's just one part of the cutting, there are probably about 3-5 more)

I hope this helps. And please, if you see anything wrong that I may have said, correct me.
very very nice work!
Nice camera!
Very nice! I know where to look when I want to make nep cuttings.
Thanks a bunch! This'll come in handy when I do my VFT pullings next year!
Thanks for all the comments guys :)