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  1. Shadowtski

    *PAID*(seige $10) "Akai Ryu" VFT grown from flower scape cutting

    Item for auction is a small "Akai Ryu" Flytrap. It was cloned from the flower scape of the parent plant in Summer of 2016. It is now coming out of dormancy. The parent plant was purchased from Terraforum's FlyTrapShop.com I have posted a picture of the parent plant for provenance. The parent...
  2. G

    gkjr Growlist

    Dionaea Muscipula: Akai Ryu Typical Sarracenia: S. Minor Drosera: D. Spatulata ( Fraser Island) D. Adelae Nepenthes: Nepenthes ampullaria 'Brunei red' x (spectabilis 'Giant' x ventricosa) Nepenthes Alata (cutting 12/19/16) sown seeds D. Capensis (Alba) 10/22/16 D. Burmannii (Green)...
  3. madrone

    madrone's Grow List

    This has gotten a little out of date - decided to move the list to a google sheet - check it out here. Pinguicula Mexican and hybrids • P. agnata (scented flower) * • P. agnata (true blue) * • P. agnata 'El Lobo' * • P. ANPA A • P. cyclosecta • P. cyclosecta x emarginata •...
  4. adnedarn

    WTB: Looking for Venus Flytrap expansion pack!

    WTB: Looking for Venus Flytrap expansion pack! Sadly I don't have many varieties of flytraps and I would like to fix that. I don't really want to pick up one flytrap here and one there, I would rather do... maybe a minimum of 4, but I could definitely take a much larger selection if you have...
  5. Shadowtski

    Akai Ryu from Flower Scape Cutting

    Today I potted up a baby VFT "Akai Ryu". I bought the parent plant from FlyTrapShop.com. It arrived on May 3rd. It started to send up a flower scape soon after it arrived. I cut the scape and tossed it in some live sphagnum on May 28th. On July 23rd, I saw several growth buds appear. Today it...
  6. N

    My grow list

    This is what I'm growing out at the moment: Nepenthis: "Lady Luck" from Borneo Exotics (I used to grow more Nep's but they grew way too large for my setup so I found a grower friend to adopt them) Heliamphora's: H. minor var. minor (FTS) H. minor var. minor "Big Orange" H. heterodoxa x...
  7. kjnorris918

    Kjnorris918's grow list.

    I'm a beginner that just recently received their first seeds. :) I have- D. Burmannii D. Capensis alba and red D. Binata D. Omissa D. Finlaysoniana D. Spatulata 2 cuttings for nepenthes ventricosa B52 VFT Akai Ryu VFT Typical VFT Arriving soon- N. Ventrata × (bellii × ventricosa) seeds I'm...
  8. D

    The Donut's Grow List

    Dionaea: Typical 'Akai Ryu' 'B52' 'DC XL' "Yellow" 'BZ-1955' Nepenthes: Ventrata Ampullaria "Williams Red" x "Harlequin" Ampullaria "Brunei Red Speckled" (BE-3007) Burbidgeae x Veitchii SG Jacquelineae SG Sarracenia: Flava Flava var. Cuprea Flava var. Rubricorpora Liberty Co., FL...
  9. Smooter80

    Smooter80's grow list

    Smooter80's grow list updated 11/25/15 New arrivals 5-23 Nepenthes burbidgeae x trusmadiensis EP SG ephippiata SG inermis SG jamban SG lowii x veitchii (k) EP SG lowii x Sabre Dark Cherry EP SG talangensis x mira 4-3 Heliamphora chimantensis Chimanta Tepui AW elongata Ilu Tepui AW...
  10. Cactusdan

    Calopogon tuberosus

    Got this from a mixed bag of 90% white/10% pink Calopogons, and was hoping for pink, so this makes the flower even more exciting! I have it growing in an outdoor bog pot with S. leucophylla 'Tarnok', S. 'Carolina Yellow Jacket', S. 'Daina's Delight', D. m. 'Akai Ryu', D. m. 'Red Sawtooth'...
  11. CoolCapensis

    CoolCapensis Growlist

    Dionaea Typical King Henry Dentate traps Akai Ryu Cupped trap Sarracenia Purpurea venosa Mardi Gras Minor hybrid Jonesii Alata Oreophila Smurf Minor Drosera Capensis Natalensis Capensis var Alba Burmannii Binata Adelae Madagascariensis Spatulata? Regia Tokaiensis Regia "Big Easy"...
  12. B

    Bluemoon's Grow List

    Butterworts – P. moranensis “D” P. primuliflora P. ‘Weser’ P. cyclosecta P. 'Titan' VFTs D. muscipula Typical D. muscipula Akai ryu Sarracenia Sarracenia unknown Seed grown x2 Cephalotus Cephalotus follicularis Hummer’s Giant Utricularia Utricularia longifolia Utricularia...
  13. Cactusdan

    Cactusdan's Growlist

    -- Carnivores -- -Cephalotus (Australian Pitcher)- Cephalotus follicularis var. Typical -Dionaea (Venus Fly Trap)- Dionaea muscipula 'Akai Ryu' Dionaea muscipula 'Red Sawtooth' -Drosera (Sundew)- Drosera anglica x tracyi 'Southern Cross' Drosera binata var. dichotoma 'T-form' Drosera bindoon...
  14. Shadowtski

    Beginner's Pictorial Guide to Drosera Leaf, Root, and Scape Cutting Chapter #1

    Most Drosera can be easily and quickly propagated by leaf cutting, root cuttings, and flower scape cuttings. (A flower scape is just another words for the developing unfurling flower stalk as it emerges from your plant.) This will give you a mature plant faster than raising one from seed...
  15. Cactusdan

    More Portland Presence!

    Hey all, I noticed there's a few of you in here from around the Portland, OR area, so I'll be one more to the party! Scatterpants and I are good friends and have been feeding each others plant addictions the last few months, particularly in the CP/orchid area. While he tends to focus more on...
  16. Shadowtski

    Akai Ryu 20th anniversary coming soon

    Akai Ryu was introduced to the world in June of 1996. It was published in the Carnivorous Plant Newsletter. I think that was the first registered cultivar for Dionaea. I fell in love with it instantly and bought one as soon as it was commercially available. It didn't survive long for me but it...
  17. Shadowtski

    Shadowtski's Grow List

    Mike's Grow List and Wish List 06/03/2017 Extra 2016 Seed for Trade or Giveaway Byblis liniflora (Limited Quantity) Drosera aliciae (Limited Quantity) Drosera binata "Coromandel NZ" (Small Red T Form) Drosera burmannii "Green" Drosera capensis "Alba" Drosera capensis "Giant" x Self Drosera...
  18. F

    *PAID* Small Red Dragon, and B52 Venus Fly Trap Cultivars (JBL $32)

    These are both very desirable VFT clones: Dionaea 'Akai Ryu' photos Dionaea 'B52' photos The Red Dragon is totally red if grown under bright lights, and the B52 is one of the largest VFT cultivars. Winner pays $3 for shipping. US only. I cannot supply phytosanitary or nursery certificates...
  19. R

    Mona's Grow List

    Mona's Grow List Cephalotus: Clone #1 Common Typical Ron Gagliardo Clone Coal Mine Beach Hummer’s Giant Czech Giant ‘Vigorus’ ‘Black Eden’ Hasting’s Clone #2 Dionea: Typical x2 Cup Trap Red Pirahna Red Dragon Akai Ryu Drosera: Delisiana Hamiltonii Intermedia Burmanii Brevifolia Spatulata...
  20. curtisconners

    Red fly trap hardiness?

    I have been wanting to get a red vft for a while now, but I have heard they are less hardy than the green varieties. Is this true? I was looking into getting an akai ryu cultivar.