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my first set of flowers!!!

Super excited because this my first set of flowers.
Capensis - rescue from local nursery
Spatulata - $$
Binata - giveaway

Also, will this drosera continue to live after they produce flower stalks and seeds? thanks!



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Should. The first looks a lot like my "Albino' x aliciae, which seem to be sterile.
Holy cow that's a lot of flowers coming out of those spatulata! O.O

If you don't want the seed, or are afraid one is sterile, you could always chop up the flower stalk and press it into moist media. You should get more plants either way, especially if it is a capensis.
Yeah, they should live after they flower. Note that some spatulatas are annuals though, and so it might die over the winter. You'll get a ton of seed too, presuming they're not sterile plants, and a ton of new plants within no time for each of these species (unless that first plant is a hybrid).
You have some great looking drosera! That first one looks like standard capensis to me, pretty sure it's not sterile. And yes, everything will continue to live after they flower. They're considered weeds for a reason!
That many flowers on a spat is normal, most self seed, capensis self seed en mass as well, binata don't self pollinate but have nice flowers and it does not seem to take much energy from them.
My binata plants flower 2-3times each year, have never made seed without me hand pollinating with plants that where not clones (like cuttings form the same parent), but seed from the same parent make seed if crossed, otherwise I have to do unrelated to get seed from them.

None should die after flowering, some drosera like burmannii and occasionally indica can die after flowering, but typically if the plants are well fed and healthy they can survive flowering, however they can flower themselves to death so even on healthy plants I have a 3 inflorescence at a time policy for those species.

If you want more plants binata and capensis are very successful when leaf cuttngs are taken in pure H2O, I average 10+ plantlets per binata leaf, so right up with adelae and filiformis, root cuttings are also easy for both species, spat's on the other hand only give 1-2plants per leaf cutting, but grow rapidly from seed.
I like to start flower stalk cuttings in a small cup of water sealed with plastic wrap. Keep it under lights for a few weeks and you should get some robust plantlets, especially with the D. binata.
Some binata varieties are self-fertile, but most of the common ones are not. I would pollinate one stalk just to see, since it's going to send up a lot more anyway.

As others have said, your plants should be fine after flowering.