That many flowers on a spat is normal, most self seed, capensis self seed en mass as well, binata don't self pollinate but have nice flowers and it does not seem to take much energy from them.
My binata plants flower 2-3times each year, have never made seed without me hand pollinating with plants that where not clones (like cuttings form the same parent), but seed from the same parent make seed if crossed, otherwise I have to do unrelated to get seed from them.
None should die after flowering, some drosera like burmannii and occasionally indica can die after flowering, but typically if the plants are well fed and healthy they can survive flowering, however they can flower themselves to death so even on healthy plants I have a 3 inflorescence at a time policy for those species.
If you want more plants binata and capensis are very successful when leaf cuttngs are taken in pure H2O, I average 10+ plantlets per binata leaf, so right up with adelae and filiformis, root cuttings are also easy for both species, spat's on the other hand only give 1-2plants per leaf cutting, but grow rapidly from seed.