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FOR TRADE: Plants I have for trade (most are full sized or almost flowering size):
D. ascendens ( Approximately nickel size)
D. adele typ
D. adele giant
D. affinis
D. aliciae
D. binata coromandel, NZ
D. capensis (red/albino/typ)
D. capensis albino x aliciea
D. dichotoma giant
D. roseana
D. multifida extrema
D. marston dragon
D. natalensis
D. oblanceolata
D. tokaiensis
D. prolifera
D. spatulata
D. ultramafica x spatulata
D. binata t-form
D. multifida
P. weser
P. sethos
P. gacilis x mocezume
P. potosiensis
N. gymnaphora

Sundews not on my growlist (D. schizandra, certain south americans, petiolaris, ext: D. x obovata 'Ivan's Paddle', D. x snyderi, D. rotundifolia 'Charles Darwin', D. brevifolia, D. cuneifolia, D. esmeraldae, D. falconeri, D. glabripes, D. linearis, D. pauciflora)
Butterworts not on my growlist.
Good sized common nepenthes like Ventrata and Miranda.
Other cps ( send me a message and i'll let you know).
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I can trade a small schizzy for two dews, have some larger ones but they would cost the N. gtmnaphora

I'm very interested in P. potosiensis and N. gymnamphora!
Do you know which locale/variation of D. ascendens you have?
I have some seeds of D. intermedia 'Cuba' and a couple of D. nidiformis I could part with for D. multifida extrema and P. potosiensis.
I have two gymnaphora that are quite large (both about 11" diameter and the shortest is about 6" tall).
I also have an abundance of D. scorpioides gemmae available and should shortly have D. sp South Africa seed available.


@ Chibae: We can work something out for some dews. Send me a PM with what you're thinking.
@ Mass: I'm not sure about the location. Mature plants have short petioles and wider laminae than some ascendens out there.
@ Biologoboy98: Thanks for the offer but i currently have some good specimens of intermedia and nidiformis.

A few dews that i would like that come to mind are D. cuneifolia, D. esmeraldae, D. falconeri, D. glabripes, D. linearis, D. pauciflora. I might even be interested in some sarracenia.
Would B. liniflora seeds interest you?
Hey Jim, I currently have a Byblis liniflora growing but thanks for the offer.
  • #10
I've got an upcoming surgery and the start of the fall semester coming up. Having said that, if you still have plants for trade or even seed, I have a decent XMiranda cutting (rooted) and most of what is on my growlist (bottom of post) for trade when things settle for me. Probably around Sept. 1st if you're interested.
  • #11
Shortbus, send me a message when you're available and we can work something out. Thanks.
  • #12
Still have one N. gymnamphora.

I'm also looking for mature or medium sized D. x obovata 'Ivan's Paddle', D. x snyderi, D. rotundifolia 'Charles Darwin', and D. brevifolia.
  • #13
hey... i have fresh d.sessilifolia seeds and d.burmanii hong kong seeds and also d.omissa white seeds collected last month

also is that spelling mistake for d.adele? did you mean d.adelae? the queenland sundew?
im interested d.adelae giant form,and P. potosiensis i can give you 40 sessilifolia seeds, 50 d.burmanii seeds, and 20 d.omissa seeds for those 2 plants... i dont care if its small
  • #14
Lots of D. adelae 'giant' remaining as well.
Fully mature plants on the left and slightly smaller plants available for trade on the right: