TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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Things I've got
affinis “Namibia”
alicea "silvermine (?)", strap-leaf form
anglica “Alakai Swamp”
x "Andromeda (BCP cross of D. prolifera x schizandra)
binata "Waihohonu Desert"
burmannii: Humpty-Doo, Hann River, Hong Kong Red
capensis "big pink", red...
Sacramento Bromeliad & Carnivorous Plant Society 46th Annual Show and Sale
Saturday & Sunday July 23 and 24, 10AM to 4PM
Location: Shepard Garden & Arts Center
Free parking. Free Admission.
Anyone else going or have been there before? What's it like?
If anyone wants to try to meet up, I can...
Smooter80's grow list updated 11/25/15
New arrivals
5-23 Nepenthes
burbidgeae x trusmadiensis EP SG
ephippiata SG
inermis SG
jamban SG
lowii x veitchii (k) EP SG
lowii x Sabre Dark Cherry EP SG
talangensis x mira
chimantensis Chimanta Tepui AW
elongata Ilu Tepui AW...
After a long pause growing plants I recently started againin January 2016. Hopefully the spring will allow me to ramp up slowly and see what species I can grow outside without much trouble.
- D. californica
- D. muscipula typical form
- D. muscipula (sprouted)...
FOR TRADE: Plants I have for trade (most are full sized or almost flowering size):
D. ascendens ( Approximately nickel size)
D. adele typ
D. adele giant
D. affinis
D. aliciae
D. binata coromandel, NZ
D. capensis (red/albino/typ)
D. capensis albino x aliciea
D. dichotoma giant
D. roseana
not up to date 9/16/2013
Spatulata x Capensis
Capensis Alba
Capensis Red
Nitudula x Pulchella
Pinguicula Moranensis
Hamata clone #1
Spat x Hamata
Burbidgea x edwardsiana...
I'm looking for a few plants that I lost awhile back. Take a look at my growlist. It's fairly up to date. It's missing the Neps and a few items I just received.
Looking for:
D. graminifolia
D. glabripes
P. agnata 'El Lobo'
P. filifolia
P. "Guatemala"
P. medusina
U. uliginosa
I'm also...
I took two leaf cuttings upon my plant's arrival, both are now showing top growth. One is already gone, the other is up for grabs. Looking for things on my want list. ;)
Cephalotus Giants (Czech, German, Munich)
Cephalotus 'Eden Black'
D. 'Wacky Traps'
D. aberrans
D. alba
D. ascendens...
I've got an unrooted cutting of N. 'Whisper' (Striped) for trade. If it roots before it trades, I'll have to reconsider what I'm looking for.. or if I even want to let it go. It's been in the rooting tank for 2 days and is still looking good. Cutting was taken by me from my own plant.
It is...
Germinating some hard species to grow and getting even harder growers in. I will list them here and if anyone has suggestions for them please let me know.
D. Burmannii Hong Kong
D. Spatulata Giant form
D. Sessilifolia
D. Auriculata
D. Peltata
D. Sp. Lantau Island
D. Villosa
D. rubrifolia
So I'm redoing one of my tanks.. which means I can offer up the LFS I was using in it. It is RIDDLED with all kinds of goodies! Mostly rotunds by the 100's.. but there are also some misc. utrics (nothing common), and some Stylidium debile.
As for the LFS itself, it's mostly red/crimson LFS. But...
as some of you may have noticed, i have done a CP-Tour, together with three german cper, through the western cape of South Africa last year. We have put together a picture book from this trip.
The book is a hardcover in the Format of 21cm x 21cm. It has 206 pages (198 for pictures), fully...
Hi all,
i would like to expand my collection a bit more with the following plants:
Genlisea hispidula (only with location)
Genlisea margarethae
Genlisea violacea (only with location)
Genlisea aurea (only with location)
Drosera tomentosa (especially the Form from Morro Do Jambeiro)
i will continue my series with a species, that we only found in one location: Drosera glabripes. The only time we found this plant was in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve, where it grows in larger numbers directly beneath the way. For me, this is one of the most impressive and nicest species of...
A few snapshots from today. This is my first time taking a closeup of a ping flower, it's fun!
P. 'Aphrodite'
U. sandersonii
A confused D. glabripes
the following two plants have been grown from the same batch of seeds i got some years ago. The seedlings turned oout to be Drosera glabripes and Drosera x 'corinthiaca' (glabripes x aliciae).
Dear members of the forum,
Andrew very kindly gave me permission to post an update.
As many of you may well be aware, I have been selling copies of my books to raise money for conservation and specifically, to support Meadowview Biological Station in their efforts of conserving Sarracenia...
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