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Informal poll for Sept Giveaways.

Due to the generous nature of many of the TF members and with summer almost over its about the right time for some giveaways.

So what are most people looking for? Keep in mind everything I'm growing is currently growing in 65-75 temps, maybe a little higher or lower.

Utricularia orchidioides/few non orchidioides
Cephalotus leaf pulls and/or rooted plants.
Pinguicula Hybrids
Seedling Orchids
Assorted terrariums plants
Nep maxima seedlings (tiny 1" plantlets with pitchers)
Live sphagnum moss (I'm only including this because some people seem to have an issue getting it started)
Beginner packs

Mainly looking for input right now, will likely post up the giveaways mid Sept. Weather depending.
Always looking for interesting orchids Randall! I have a few seedlings myself that you might be interested in, so maybe instead of a giveaway we can work a trade. Also if any of the Pings would be hardy to about zone 7 I'd be interested as well. Btw that Ceph I got from you is doing wonderfully. I gave it too much sun too quickly, but it has recovered nicely and has about 8 leaves on it now. Looking forward to seeing what you have!
All sounds good to me. You shouldn't have any problems finding eager people for those trades

I'd put myself on a list for Ceph leaf pulls or rooted young plants, ping hybrids.

Might consider orchids or N. maxima, or other terrarium plants, depending on further info.
honestly, cephalotus leaf pulling, pings, and live moss all sounds supreme to me
beginner packs sound appealing to me(im no beginner nor returning so I wouldn't participate) and most likely to new or returning growers.....that being said personally I wouldn't mind some LFS....i let my terrarium get too aerated and dry so my moss population is at like 5%. lol.
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Orchidioides Utricularia would probably get a lot of interest, and they could also be divided in the future for more giveaways. From this year's NASC auction, there are other non-Orchidioides species that seem to have a lot of demand, too.
Utric would be a good one for sure
I would also vote for the utrics; sect. Orchiodioides (and others as well) are always popular.
Utrics are awesome. Very generous of you!
  • #10
Pings and Utrics of all kinds sound good to me.
  • #11
definitely the maxima seedlings and interested in what you mean by beginner packs.