TerraForums Venus Flytrap, Nepenthes, Drosera and more talk
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I have a 14 node N. Ventrata vine that I would quite honestly like to get rid of. This form of N. Ventrata has more of a flushed dark red appearance compared to my other two. I'm interested in other nepenthes (rooted or unrooted). Thanks ahead of time!
After a long pause growing plants I recently started againin January 2016. Hopefully the spring will allow me to ramp up slowly and see what species I can grow outside without much trouble.
- D. californica
- D. muscipula typical form
- D. muscipula (sprouted)...
As of 1/6/16 I've been growing carnivores for a little over a year. I have a modest collection still, but it is ever growing. I figured it was time to finally start a grow list. I want to thank the members of this forum, as they have helped me grow my collection with giveaways and trades...
Purperea(I dont know how to spell)
Sarracenia random hybrid
Sarracenia minor okee giant
Sarracenia "Best Clone L x rubricorpora"
Sarracenia random Hybrid
Sarracenia Alata
Sarracenia Leucophylla tarnok
Sarracenia rubra x leucophylla
Sarracenia Daina's Delight
Sarracenia judith...
Venus fly traps
King Henry
Wacky Traps
FTS Etna
FTS Showgun Star
Bunch of typicals and seedlings
Hamata x Platychila
N x Ventrata
N x Hookeriana
Spathulata x Robcantleyi
Burbidgeae x Campanulata
Campanulata x Robcantleyi
3 typicals
Cape sundew...
Hey! My name is Ben, and I live in Portland, OR. I am a big fan of sundews and Nepenthes, though I only have two neps (sanguinea and ventrata). I posted a question earlier about re-potting tuberous sundews, but my internet has been a little screwy, and looks like I posted it 3 times without...
Here's my grow list, kinda smallish.
N. Splendiana x Ventricosa "Mata Hari"
N. Ventrata
N. Sibuyanensis x Talangensis
N. Ventricosa X Campanulata
N. Ventricosa x "Lady Pauline"
N. Miranda
N. Spathulata x Diatas
N. Maxima x Veitchii
N. Ventricosa x Merrilliana
N. Ventricosa x Sibuyanensis x...
I'd like to say a "BIG HELLO" from Texas!
I just started growing nepenthes about 3 years ago. I've been hooked ever since!
I grow mainly tropical plants i.e. plumeria, hoya, orchids, alocasia, colocasia , anthuriums, bananas, tropical ginger, and nepenthes.
I look forward to meeting some of you...
This is my first thread I've posted here so bear with me.
I've recently gotten into growing carnivorous plants and I started with the tried and true ventrata. From my single plant I've taken two cuttings with about 8 nodes on them each. They've been in an aeroponic propagator for about a...
Hey everyone. Its been a few months since I have been active here. Its time for me to give back to the community! I will be doing two giveaways.
The first one is for people that are NEW to the hobby, seasoned veterans probably dont want these plants anyway heh. Requirements are that you have...
Personal Collection:
Cephalotus follicularis
Darlingtonia Californica
Heliamphora minor
Sarracenia jonesii
Sarracenia x cateo
Nepenthes truncata
Nepenthes veitchii "Hose Mountains"
Nepenthes truncata x maxima "mini" seedlings
Nepenthes sanguinea
Nepenthes x ventrata
Nepenthes x miranda...
I'm concerned about nepenthes in particular, but I guess this question applies to all of horticulture. When I write about hybrids I'm never confident that I'm obeying the rules. Here are some of the variations I've seen.
N. x ventrata
The "x" indicates that this is a hybrid. I assume that this...
Hi everyone,
I am kinda new here and also about a month in keeping neps. I have 3 problems here.
Country: Malaysia
Day: 31 celcius Night: 24 celcius
Water: Tap water (cant afford a tds reader, yet)
Soil: coco peat with perlite.
No mister/fogger but I mist whenever I am outside so maybe twice...
I have had a Nepenthese Ventrata for 6 years now. For several years it struggles and didn't grow much. It started vining a few year ago, and a year ago I trimmed off some tiny sucker vines and some dying yellowed ones, and it took off. It has 3 vines, the tallest is 4 feet. I have it propped up...
Hi all,
Here is my puny growlist. Enjoy!
Dionaea muscipula
Dionaea muscipula 'Ginormous'
S. flava var. cuprea (Lois x botanique)
Sarracenia rubra subsp. gulfensis
Sarracenia leucophylla (Drummond's giant imposter)
S. minor var. okefenokeensis Charlton Co, GA
Sarracenia purpurea subsp. venosa...
Filiformis var. Tracyii
spathulata "Frasier Island"
Capillaris Giant
Binata "Marstons Dragon"
Nitidula x Pulchella
Flava 'Burlesque' x copper top
Leucophylla red
Psitticinia x Minor
Kilimanjaro x Alata 'Black'...
I recently hacked up the leggier nepenthes in my collection and made around 50 cuttings. Those cuttings are rooted and have developed growing points and it's time to start figuring out how to get rid of them.
The plants represented are:
- ventrata
- ventricosa x gymnamphora (Leilani)
Hello Office Workers!
I was recently asked to find a showy Nepenthes that reliably produces pitchers in a somewhat sunny office environment. The requestee has no real experience with carnivorous plants and would prefer not to have a terrarium. Supplemental light is a possibility, but the main...
You are bidding on 1 healthy N. ventrata plant. I got this clone from a nameless TC lab. All Plants will be bare rooted carefully, and packed carefully and mailed to the winner.
Due to size it will be shipped via USP Small Flat Rate Priority Mail box. USA only I cannot provide...
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