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  1. P

    Sarracenia catesbaei "heavily veined" x flava ornata "black veins" Bulloch Co., GA

    Sarracenia catesbaei "heavily veined" x flava ornata "black veins" Bulloch Co., GA Sarracenia "King Cobra". Not huge in stature, but mighty in presence
  2. Fred P

    Sarracenia Hybrid Seedlings #2 (purpcrazyinNH $50)

    Up for auction is one cell of S. Oreophila var. ornata x ‘Royal Ruby’ seedlings from a 72 cell tray. The seedlings in the photo are OH20. There are three cells in the photo and I will send the one right in front of the tag. These are 3 months old and grown indoors under lights. The photo was...
  3. DJ57

    DJ57's Grow List

    Grow List as of 2017 – All growing outside year-round in the bog and in pots unless otherwise specified Sarracenia S. minor var okefenokeensis S. minor typical S. ‘Hummer’s Okee Classic’ - Thank you Warren S. "Red Minor" [S. minor x (purpurea x psittacina)] S. 'Saxapahaw' - Thank you Phil...
  4. Zachf92

    Zachf92's Grow List

    Sarracenia flava var. maxima flava var. ornata flava var. rubricorpora alata 'Heavy Veins' alabamensis wherryi minor minor var. okefenokeensis 'Ware Co. Clone C' rubra rubra gulfensis 'Anthocyanin-Free' purpurea venosa purpurea venosa var. montana leucophylla 'AJ01' leucophylla 'Hurricane Creek...
  5. B

    Free Sars for pickup

    I have a few gallon size pots (and 1 smaller) Sarracenia divisions from last Spring that I am looking to find good local homes for. I am in Westminster Colorado and request that you pick the plants up so I don't have to disturb the root system by shipping them. I have the fallowing: Rubra...
  6. B

    Looking to trade Sarracenia

    I have a few gallon size pots (and 1 smaller) Sarracenia divisions from last Spring that I am looking to trade to diversify my collection. As such, I am looking for established seedling hybrids (or bigger) to trade for my plants. I have the following to trade: Rubra gulfensis x Flava (gallon...
  7. ps3isawesome

    Ps3isawesome growlist

    Ps3isawesome growlist (Updated 3/11/2016) This all began on July 3rd 2014 Dionaea King Henry Red Sawtooth B52 Towering Giant G14 Rosetted "Dirk Ventham's Giant" Big Mouth Akai Ryu (Thanks to Dionae) Unknown (From Lowes) Sarracenia Leucophylla x Tarnok Adrian Slack Adrian Slack x Judith Hindle...
  8. C

    help me id this sarr

    im thinking it is most likely my sand mountain var ornata which BELIEVE ME is not easy to get someone to GIVE you one!......it does turn yellow when it gets older. but another possibility could be flava ornata but im really leaning toward the forst one. p.s. i will not be giving this one...
  9. C

    nepenthes dubia x spath for trade

    It's a neat little plant but I do not have the space for it. It should be a nice addition to someone's collection Far as trades go I do not very have much I am looking for but here goes: n. sumatrana n. campanulata n. kamptonia n. bical orange n. bical red x orange N. Viking #19 x (maxima x...
  10. sflynn

    sflynn's Growlist

    Dionea muscipula- typical, several Drosera: adelea, many binata, 2 binata SG, 3 binata var. multifida 'extrema', several brevifolia, several capensis typical, 2 capensis typical seedlings, many capensis "broad leaf", 1 capensis "baines cloof", 1 capensis alba seedlings, 3 capensis giant...
  11. BaseDrifter

    BaseDrifter's Grow List

    Updated 2/21/2015. Sarracenia S. alata - S. alata var. nigrapurpurea (Mike Wang) S. flava - S. flava var. rugelli x var. maxima - S. flava var. cuprea - S. flava var. rubricorpora (Liberty Co, FL) (various clones) (Mike Wang) - S. flava var. rubricorpora 'agristats' x var. ornata (Phil...
  12. Zath

    Zath's Grow List

    (( Updated 7-27-15 )) Dionaea 'Akai Ryu' 'Dentate' Typical 'King Henry' Drosera sp. 'Lantau Island' (seed) adelae aliciae binata 'Dwarf Red' burmannii sp. capensis capensis 'Alba' capensis 'Red Leaf' capensis x Spatulata capillaris 'Long Arm' dichotoma 'Marston Dragon' filiformis 'Florida...
  13. C

    WTTF sarracenia and LL nepenthes have a few to trade

    I am looking for the following sarracenia: S. Atlanta botanical gardens hybrid S. X evandine S. X Mardi Gras S. X judith hindle S. leuco 'titan' S. X scarlet belle S. oreo sand mountain var ornata I might be interested in LL nepenthes but mainly seeking sarracenia, doesn't hurt to try...
  14. R

    Some Sarracenia grown outdoors

    This has been a tough year for my outdoor plants. First of all, I ordered this batch of plants from Mike Wang, who grows them in CA outdoors where they experienced a short, mild Winter and an early Spring. When I got the plants in February, most of them had begun Spring growth already and many...
  15. DonH

    My Small But Growing Sarracenia Collection

    Over the past few months, I've been getting back into Sarracenias. I haven't kept them for a while and now it seems I've gone a little overboard and ignoring my Nepenthes. :nono: Since I was cleaning up my greenhouse and moving them out to a kiddie pool in full sun, I thought I would share...
  16. Axelrod12

    Axelrod's Grow List

    Aldrovanda: Aldrovanda vesiculosa - Japanese Brocchinia: B. reducta Byblis: B. liniflora Dionaea: 'Akai Ryu' 'B-52' x 'Ginormous' 'Bristle Tooth' 'Cup Trap' 'Dente' Typicals Drosera: Pygmy: D. scorpioides D. helodes x pulchella Temperate: D. binata D. dichotoma 'Giant' D. filiformis var...
  17. JB_OrchidGuy

    Sarracenia pollenation 2014

    I just finished pollenating a few flowers today. I have many many more flowers to pollenate that are not open yet. Mostly rubras. So far here is the list of crosses I am waiting to produce seeds. This is my first attempt so I am just a little excited and hope they turn out!!!! 4/23/2014 Crosses...
  18. kulamauiman

    Sarracenia flava ornata in 6 inch pot (chibae $19)

    You are bidding on a large Sarracenia flava ornata. This plant is currently growing in a six inch nursery pot. It is a seeding grown from seeds obtained from the ICPS Seed Bank. So, how it will grow up will be uncertain. It has not reached its full potential and is flowering sized. The...
  19. rcl27

    Cody Lawson's (rcl27) Grow List

    Cephalotus: Cephalotus (typical) - Flytrapcare Cephalotus (typical) - carnivorousplantsshop.eu Cephalotus "Double Ribbed" - JCal Cephalotus "Emu Point" - JCal Cephalotus "Hummer's Giant" - JCal Cephalotus "Phil Mann" - JCal Cephalotus "Squat" - JCal Dionaea Muscipula: Dionaea "Typical" - Lowes...
  20. W

    Sarracenia Seed Giveaway

    Hello, I have some extra seed from my collection. I will be offering 6 packets, for free (SASE, US only), of: S. Flava v. Ornata x "Adrian Slack" 1 2 6 random winners will be chosen good luck! (Sorry to those who posted in the other hybrids in the other post)