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Here's a bunch of seedlings at 14 months old, all grouped by siblings, so you can see the diversity. They're all open-pollinated, except for one grouping.
These are alata x flava open-pollinated. Lots of really dark-red plants in this group. I'm excited!
These are also alata x flava...
I liked the Flower Watch thread so much that I decided to start a similar one for pitchers. Post your first pitchers of the season!
S. alata:
S x 'Cobra Nest':
S. alata x flava:
S. flava x oreophila:
S. flava var 'ornata':
S. flava var rugelii:
S. flava var atropurpurea...
Received this last year. I have no idea what this is. At first, I believed it was rubricorpra, but I've also been told it's ornata. I have no clue so I need your help. :x
Here's an old picture of the flava, note the red pitcher:
I am looking for a few sarracenia, any cultivar or hybrid not on my growlist would be great, here are some specific plants:
S. flava any form/location data, any good clone of this species (ornata, veined, red varieties would be great)
S. x moorei (leucophylla doesnt grow too well for me so...
N. alata "red"
N. ventricosa leilani LHNN male
N. thorelii x wittei
N. boschiana x ??
N. truncata 'pasian' Cal Carn
N. Peter D'amato x maxima (seedling)
N. clipeata x eymae munich cross
N. deroose alata
N. inermis x bongso
N. ramispina
N. splendiana x truncata Seed Grown
N. singalana...
Hello everyone! I have just a few packs of Sarracenia hybrid seed available. I know this is normally a COME AND GET IT!!! type of thing, but since this is A) my first Sarracenia seed ever and B) I know exactly what the cross is- it's not just some randomly pollinated cross by the bugs I'm...
*** Closed ***
Many thanks to all who participated (Final Results)
After many requests to sell some of my seeds, I've decided to offer some with all proceeds* to be donated to the ICPS. (This is being done with special permission from Andrew - so please do not assume...
So, I recently returned from a visit to Phil Faulisi's place -- I was so astonished and dumbfounded by the mutant carnivores that reside there! It is almost as if Phil has this magical CP growing aura surrounding him and his house!
The photo fun is about to start: As a note, I will break the...
here are some snapshots i have taken today.
Sarracenia flava var atropurpurea - Blackwater State Forest, Florida
Sarracenia flava var cuprea - George, CO, VA
Sarracenia flava var flava 'Maxima' - Clone from Adrian Slack
Sarracenia flava var rubricorpora "very...
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