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  1. N

    Dangers of an indoor terrarium

    I'd like to start a small CP terrarium with 2 VFTs and a Drosera Spatulata. This would be my first time doing any kind of gardening though and there's a few things I'm concerned about....maybe just out of naivety. If anyone can answer a few questions for me and give me some tips I'd be very...
  2. goldtrap2690

    It makes me mad and furious

    from everybooks I read , to every article i read about cps they say that carnivorous plants will soon be extinct from the wild very soon . it true , inconsiderate ppl poach these plants , they destroy there habitatas , they don';t even know what carnivorous plansta re all about . also when you...
  3. S

    Cossing hybrids, how does this work

    Ok, here goes: I have heard that you should destroy f2 clones (the seeds from hybrids) because they don't carry the characteristics of the hybrid. How then do hybrid hybrids (like X coccinea) work? I know its a combo of raf, amp and miribilis ( I forget the order), but if I cross a raf and an...
  4. S

    Carnivoroous plants

    hello, I always hear of people getting plants at lowes and home Depot. what other local stores carry cps? And what time of year do they carry them? Thanks- Spec73
  5. J

    does any body know?

    does any body have any idea where i can find petiolaris complex drosera, esp.D.falconeri? i dont care if it is out of the country. Are there any tissue cultering labs that carry it. i really want one, one at least. ANY information on how to find one of the petiolaris complex esp. falconeri would...
  6. adnedarn

    verizon ferret commercial

    sorry so long but please read! Ok, I don't know how many of you know very much about ferrets so let me give a little background.  ferrets are not rodents. they are from the Mustelidae family.  which includes badger, wolverine, pine marten, sea otter, and skunk...etc etc.  they are not mean. now...
  7. P


    Hey ALL: Just curious to see how many people carry around a Providian Credit card of some sort.... including: Providian GetSmart Aria
  8. N

    CP's At Smiths?

    Smiths just stocked up on cp's they have flytraps, sundews, neps. I went in today to take some movies back when I walked by the plant dept. something caught my eye. I bought a dente that was there all of the flytraps were dente. The sundews were adalae. And there was a nep that was labled as a...
  9. technoracer


    hi everyone! today i noticed that 2 of my vft's have a weird slimy typ substance on the top of the soil, which i am assuming is a mold. am i crrect in assuming this slime is mold? i called my local grden center and asked about banrot and the cleary 3336,but they don't carry them. they DO HAVE...
  10. G


    I was wondering wich fungicides are safe for CPs. The local greenhouse doesn't carry many different kinds and they know absolutely nothing about CPs so asking for advice didn't help. Are there any common brands that are ok for me to use? Thanks, Bonnie
  11. Pyro

    Lucky Bamboo

    I have a friend who just got some 'Lucky Bamoo' and she was asking about cultivation and care. Since PFT used to carry it I figure someone here has grown in. Could you offer advice? Thanks Pyro
  12. N


    Does anyone know another place to buy superthrive other than pft. I would order it from here but i dont want to pay shipping. Do places like Wal-mart, lowes, home depot etc. carry it?
  13. U

    finetooth x red

    Does anyone have a finetooth x red and can you show me one?And will this site carry them?
  14. technoracer

    where to buy?

    i always see posts about other kinds of vft's on here, yet pft doesn't carry them. where do you guys/gals buy these vft's from? i understand that these are exotic gardens message boards, so please email me any reputable web sites that sell other species of vft's. thanks, technoracer...
  15. P

    coconut fiber -

    Hi All: We've had lots of requests for coconut fiber to use with various nepenthes. So.. what I'm curious about.. is if we're looking for it out there through distribution... is there a preferred brand? Is it the core fiber that people use with Nepenthes? Shredded or longer fibers? What's it...
  16. L

    artificial lighting for highland neps

    I visited a petstore looking for artificial lighting to get my highland nep terrarium started, and found that they only carry aquarium lights.  Are these ok for highland neps?  Also, if I have a choice of fluorescent vs incadencent, which is better?  Are there any other types of artificial...
  17. P

    Buying vfts

    I have been to nurseries, home improvment centers, such as Home depot, lowes, Frank's nursery, and wal-mart, but none seem to carry vfts. Is there a certain time of year they carry them or is it a hit/miss situation where they only have them sometimes? I have been trying to get varieties of vft...
  18. T

    how many purple pitcher plants are there

    What types of purple pitcher plants are there and what type does PFT carry ?
  19. P


    its a five gallon tank about ten inches high... I've been wanting to make a terrarium... Temperate species seem to be the best, that way I can just carry the whole thing down to the laundry room or garage... Here is what I'm thinking: D. muscipula - The garage and laundrey room dont get so...