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Cossing hybrids, how does this work


Staff member
Ok, here goes:
I have heard that you should destroy f2 clones (the seeds from hybrids) because they don't carry the characteristics of the hybrid. How then do hybrid hybrids (like X coccinea) work? I know its a combo of raf, amp and miribilis ( I forget the order), but if I cross a raf and an amp, how can I then cross that with a miriblis and know the characteristics of the (rafxamp) will carry through?
Most hybrids are propegated by cloninig them.  This is done by takeing a part of the plant (leaf, root, stem, etc) and growing more plants from them.  This results in plants that are genetically identical to the parent plant.  With seeds, there is no telling what the plant will look like until it's grown because the genetic material is a random mix from all the plants that went into creating the hybrid.  This variation can be controled by selecting seeds from plants that closely resemble the parent hybrid, growing those to flowering size and pollinating the plants that most closley resemble the original parent hybrid.  You keep repeating this until the seeds more or less breed true.  But as you can guess it may take many years.

I've left out stuff but this covers the basics of it.
I think, Schoalty, its because you're using the coccinea clone, so in the complex hybrid's DNA is the DNA of the coccinea clone that is the original coccinea... Do ya kinda know what i mean?

I have a question... Hybrids... Between species, usually don't turn out so well... Aren't they usually supposed to be infertile, weak, etc??? I don't believe this is so with Nepenthes... Are they an exception, or is that just a 'kinda generalish, blanket" rule?
If you are referring to Sarracenia, F2 hybrids will just have a random mix of the parents and may have the genes from one just present. I think they are not quite a vigorous as well but they will survive fine. If you start getting into F3 and stuff though I don't think you will get very healthy plants at all!
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think, Schoalty, its because you're using the coccinea clone, so in the complex hybrid's DNA is the DNA of the coccinea clone that is the original coccinea... Do ya kinda know what i mean?[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
Ok, so how was the "original" Coccinea created? Is it like BCK said? They just took the first hybrid, and selectively bred it until it was more or less always breeding good stock, then crossed that with the next species? What and undertaking!
Ppppht. Don't take my word for it. I'm jus a lil' kid! Hehehe...