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Hey you all forgot he cultivar S.Purpurea "Red Ruffles". Ha! Beat you there! :cheesy: Mike, S.Purpurea spp. Venosa var. Montana/ AKA S.Purpurea Montana, isn't availabel to ANYONE yet not even D'Amato or the CP "leaders" "regulators" etc. It is HEAVILY protected in it's mountainous habitat in the southern Appalachian mountains.
I don't think red ruffles has been registered yet. I was reading something about D'amatos book and he said that the named plants with " " were un registered plants of his own naming and plants with ' ' were official cultivars. But knowing me I probably got this completly back to front!!!
lets all go to his house, jump him, and divde the rhiozome up between ourselves. (I get the biggest piece... cause I am the biggest! (and it was my idea!))
*Note - This was a joke, only a joke. We here at petflytrap do not condone the bringing of physical violence upon a person for any reason... (Well, almost any reason, sometimes, you just HAVE a good reason. Ya know?)
Just wanted to clarify that, so.. you know.. no one would get the wrong idea or anything.
(pssst... I'll meet you guys in his driveway around 2:30 AM.)
Just to answer Garden of Eden's question, Steve, the Chipola form is named after the river valley where the plant comes from in NW Florida, it produces almost white (extremely light pink) flowers..
I'll bring the coniine from Sarracenia Flava to knock him out..........and a gas mask for backup.......hehehe. Ohh hey how y'all doing! I just wanted to say that we need to get S. Montana in TC so all of us can have one without acts of jealousy,envy,etc. And that way we can obtain it with money and not going to someone's house at 2:30 AM with coniine and gas masks and a rhizome cutting tool (AKA knife) to get it.
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