This is my newest hope. I've expanded testing of these seed starting sponges and other sponges, still too early to tell.
DSC_0250 by
randallsimpson, on Flickr
Unless someone broke in my home and stole every piece of peat/sphagnum moss, I'd just regrow my own.
I could remove all peat/moss from all my Utrics today if I wanted without really missing it.
I don't use much peat/moss with my Neps, and I could do without it really.
I've growing some of my Cephs in completely peat/moss free mixes/mediums. Even have a Ceph I just rooted from a leaf in Miracle Grow potting soil.
I could remove all peat/moss from my Helis today if I wanted to.
I use more peat for my lawn than I do for my CPs at this point. I use more Sphagnum for shipping plants than growing them at this point.
Tree fern fiber is another great choice, along with Epi-web and the similar products. So many medium options out there that work as well if not better than peat.
I'm pretty sure you could remove all the peat/sphagnum today and it would not slow down the experienced growers much. Peat/sand has been a CP crutch for far to long.