First of all, on behalf of the judging panel, we would like to sincerely thank everyone who participated in this year's photo contest. Regardless if your photos were selected or not, we want you all to know that all your contributions were so awesome, it was ridiculously hard to choose which photos would enter the community voting pool. A serious round of applause to all the participants for making this year's calendar contest so awesome!!!

We had a total of 22 participants and a whopping 72 entries, which we've managed to narrow down to 36. While we dont know which of the final 12 will be chosen for the 2013 calendar, we have no doubt that it will be THE BEST calendar released by TF yet!
Photos are posted to help you guys sort out your favorites. A poll will be generated later tonight, on this thread, and the voting process will continue from Nov 10th to Nov 17th 14:39, PDT. Numbers on the photographs are used only for the voting process and will not be present on the published calendar. Everyone, please select 12 of your favorite images that you would like to see go into the calendar.
Congrats to those who's entries have made it thus far!
Now for the entries!

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