Boring Allert......Boring Allert.......I am about to spill my pessimistic beliefs all over this discussion string!!!!!
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Now this will read as off topic but everything we do effects the planet and are huge compared to species extinction. I guess I focus on truly serious issues that will effect all our futures and future progeny. Human beings are users and the biggest issue of all, human population growth, isn't even being discussed by the world community. I believe that will be the downfall of society and free societies will become closely regulated thus making them not so free. Our biggest flaw is that not enough of us as individuals take responsibility for our behaviors and some families continue to produce children like there is no tomorrow. Speaking as a U.S. citizen, Illegal immigration and procreation in accordance with religious beliefs are a huge problem in the U.S. and especially in poorer countries and I personally know of several families in my area that are creating a new life about every 10 months to reinforce what I call the "puppy law", sneak across and have a baby and you can stay. You can't trust people to be honest or do the right thing and I just don't see any way to fix things short of setting up oxygen and carbon dioxide generators on mars to create another livable planet. Of course someone with the technology would have to alter the magnetic structure of that planet requiring the creation of a molten core and that is way beyond our abilities. Just making the point that we can do good things for now but eventually most plant and animal species will be long gone including us. The consensus is that 2100 will be when the Earth can no longer support us at current growth trends. Solar, wind and nuclear power might postpone it for a while but as long as humans reproduce at such a high rate it has to happen. I grew up in the 1950's and '60's and that was the best time of my life, it didn't hurt to have clones of Ward and June Cleaver as parents either. We trusted more than mistrusted, used resources without concern and dumped leaded gas fumes all over the planet leading to all kinds of syndromes. I am still able to enjoy my life and escapism includes a prescription medication called Tramodol, my upstairs bathroom / Nepenthes greenhouse and TV shows like Leave It To Beaver, Star Trek: Next Generation and WWII documentaries and my classic Honda bike collection and restoration project. Being retired I spend a lot of time on my bikes cruising the rural and suburban back roads occasionally stopping at a stream or wooded area to experience the wonders of nature. Probably seems silly for a 60 year old guy to admit but lifting a flat rock and seeing one of our local snake species, Red Milksnake, Copperhead or even a Timber Rattler, is astounding and I will never get over how amazing nature is. Think I maybe took a little too much of the pain killer today..............probably yes!
Moderator....feel free to send this to lala land or an off topic section here!
Now this will read as off topic but everything we do effects the planet and are huge compared to species extinction. I guess I focus on truly serious issues that will effect all our futures and future progeny. Human beings are users and the biggest issue of all, human population growth, isn't even being discussed by the world community. I believe that will be the downfall of society and free societies will become closely regulated thus making them not so free. Our biggest flaw is that not enough of us as individuals take responsibility for our behaviors and some families continue to produce children like there is no tomorrow. Speaking as a U.S. citizen, Illegal immigration and procreation in accordance with religious beliefs are a huge problem in the U.S. and especially in poorer countries and I personally know of several families in my area that are creating a new life about every 10 months to reinforce what I call the "puppy law", sneak across and have a baby and you can stay. You can't trust people to be honest or do the right thing and I just don't see any way to fix things short of setting up oxygen and carbon dioxide generators on mars to create another livable planet. Of course someone with the technology would have to alter the magnetic structure of that planet requiring the creation of a molten core and that is way beyond our abilities. Just making the point that we can do good things for now but eventually most plant and animal species will be long gone including us. The consensus is that 2100 will be when the Earth can no longer support us at current growth trends. Solar, wind and nuclear power might postpone it for a while but as long as humans reproduce at such a high rate it has to happen. I grew up in the 1950's and '60's and that was the best time of my life, it didn't hurt to have clones of Ward and June Cleaver as parents either. We trusted more than mistrusted, used resources without concern and dumped leaded gas fumes all over the planet leading to all kinds of syndromes. I am still able to enjoy my life and escapism includes a prescription medication called Tramodol, my upstairs bathroom / Nepenthes greenhouse and TV shows like Leave It To Beaver, Star Trek: Next Generation and WWII documentaries and my classic Honda bike collection and restoration project. Being retired I spend a lot of time on my bikes cruising the rural and suburban back roads occasionally stopping at a stream or wooded area to experience the wonders of nature. Probably seems silly for a 60 year old guy to admit but lifting a flat rock and seeing one of our local snake species, Red Milksnake, Copperhead or even a Timber Rattler, is astounding and I will never get over how amazing nature is. Think I maybe took a little too much of the pain killer today..............probably yes!