Enthusiastic Enthusiast
This is my D. Spatulata, looking much better after a week or so in the terrarium, and now I can more clearly see where new growth is coming from. The thing came in a little 2" seedling pot which definitely seems a bit small, but before I consider re-potting, I'd like to know how to go about this without killing either plant.
I'm not familiar enough with sundews to be able to tell if this is multiple plants, or just one.
D. spatulata 6-14-14 by the_bugman_cometh, on Flickr
And the side(ish) view:
D. spatulata 6-14-14 (2) by the_bugman_cometh, on Flickr
In the bottom pic you can see (I hope) the growth that I'm talking about. It seems to be coming out sideways, lol.
I'm not looking for propagation tips, just maybe some advice on how to separate them, remove most or all of the lfs, and be gentle about it.
I'm not familiar enough with sundews to be able to tell if this is multiple plants, or just one.
D. spatulata 6-14-14 by the_bugman_cometh, on Flickr
And the side(ish) view:
D. spatulata 6-14-14 (2) by the_bugman_cometh, on Flickr
In the bottom pic you can see (I hope) the growth that I'm talking about. It seems to be coming out sideways, lol.
I'm not looking for propagation tips, just maybe some advice on how to separate them, remove most or all of the lfs, and be gentle about it.