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Offer is now closed. I will announce the TWO winners at 5pm PST.

Well, after the NASC auction and the last two years’ worth of seed sowing, I have more seedlings than I know what to do with. So it's time to give back. That being said, I would like to offer a small flat rate box ($5.50) packed with as many sarr seedlings as I can get in it. If you are willing to pay the $5.50 shipping and select a number from 1 to 100, this will be yours. I will take all the numbers selected between now and 4pm Pacific Time tomorrow, put them in a hat and have my son draw a number. It will be fair...trust me! A sample of what will be in the box is: about 10-15 of Brokken's famous flava rubricorpora x purp venosa var. montana, flava ornata x flava rubricorpora, leucophylla x flava ornata and......who knows, probably some 'Leah Wilkerson' crosses as well. The box will be packed!

This is for the US only and closes at 4pm PST (7pm EST) on Memorial Day. I will announce the winner at 5pm PST (8PM EST) and PM the winner for his/her address. I would like to ship on Tues if possible so good luck!

I think I have enough for a second box so.............there will be two winners.

Below are the TWO winners in the order they were drawn by my son. Congrats to both of you. I have PM'd you both already. Make some room for a ton of seedlings! :)

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Wow, thanks so much for the offer!! :-D And I'll take 52.
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Thanks for the offer! 47
14 :) you are the man Fred!
Pick me,pick me, lucky 11 please.
I'm loving the plants I got from you in the NASC auction, Fred!! I'll try #21.
33, Thank you.
very generous offer
  • #10
If I win, can you just send me one of each and give away all the others? Can I pay you in stamps for the shipping if i win?
Thanks so much for your generosity!

  • #11
I LOVE SARR'S!!! Lol I will take number #56 and if you are close enough to me I would be willing to pick them up. That way shipping would not be an issue, I of course would still pay the $5.50 or donate the $5.50 to the Forum.
  • #13
I'm not entering, I just wanted to say that this is very generous of you!! Great giveaway!!
  • #14
Amazing offer! I'll go with 29.
  • #15
13 will be the winner - thanks for the opportunity
  • #16
oh this is great.
  • #18
I LOVE SARR'S!!! Lol I will take number #56 and if you are close enough to me I would be willing to pick them up. That way shipping would not be an issue, I of course would still pay the $5.50 or donate the $5.50 to the Forum.

You stole my lucky number! :-P-:

I'll give 30 a shot, thanks Fred!
  • #20
:glomp: Of all the plants offered in the auction, it was yours i wanted most. I'll put all my hopes and dreams in to number 77!