I thought I'd share that I noticed a couple days ago a bloom forming on a cacti... Today I noticed it was really bit and a bit ago I noticed it was open. I ran out to take some pictures, and while doing so a spinx hummingbird month showed up flying circles around us... And eventually found it's way to the flower. I got a few pictures, and a video of him in there but the camera had the flash off.... So the pictures sucked. Pretty neat that once he got mounted he beat his wings. Maybe to release the pollen like Heliamphora do... Anyway enjoy the photos and video- even though they are from my phone. :X Anyone know the name of this cactus?
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRLaMSycJp0&list=UUblwZfUr3WeoDJ1sS2hpM7w
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRLaMSycJp0&list=UUblwZfUr3WeoDJ1sS2hpM7w