hey all just need a little help with some photoperiod stuff. I have some sarracenia flava var maximas and their seedlings, a couple leuco tarnoks, a purpurea, a sarracenia ladybug, 2 venus flytraps, and a drosera rotundifolia. they are on my back porch now and get 3 hours of direct sunlight a day from 230 to about 530 and all seem to be happy. I am however not getting much red from my purpureas, fly traps, or sundew. I realize some plants dont turd red but Im thinking 3 hours isnt enough for the plants I have. My front yard has direct sun from about noon till 6 or 7. so about say 6 hours of direct sunlight.
I guess the question is should I move out front? if so could the plants handle An immediate transition? I dont wanna kill em if they seem pretty happy, they just may benefit from more sun.
I guess the question is should I move out front? if so could the plants handle An immediate transition? I dont wanna kill em if they seem pretty happy, they just may benefit from more sun.