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eBay seller stealing our photos

There is a seller on fleabay who is selling seeds of various CPs and they are using photos from people in the CP community. I have found two of my photos used (which have now been removed) and I seem to recognize several other pics of Drosera and Nepenthes. You may want to take a look and see if this seller is using your photos. You can contact them directly and request deletion (They will comply, but be prepared for rudeness from the seller) of file a DMCA take-down form with eBay and let them handle it.

See: http://www.ebay.com/sch/antlermagic66/m.html?item=151332308413&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
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Is it sad that I can't say I am terribly surprised?
Is it sad that I can't say I am terribly surprised?

I don't expect anyone should be surprised by this -- its been going on for many years now. Intellectual property misappropriation is a persistent theme on the Internet and eBay has been - in my experience - a hotspot of such activity. Sad, yes. Surprising - not one bit.
I thought the bical he had up was mine for a second. Very close, but not mine. What a turd.
He used my burmannii pics, so I asked him to take it down. He/she was quite polite, and promised to take it down with no further trouble.
He used my burmannii pics, so I asked him to take it down. He/she was quite polite, and promised to take it down with no further trouble.

/me laughs. Perhaps he got all the rudeness out of his system when dealing with me!
Nobody likes getting the legal smackdown, Paul. Perhaps you tamed him!
One of the things that really bothers me about this seller is the conspicuously intentional deception being perpetrated on items like this one http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fresh-Rare-China-Blue-Rose-5-Seeds-Beautiful-Roses-WOW-/161322505605?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_2&hash=item258f921585

I can guarantee you, nobody who grows these seeds will end up with a result that looks anything even close to the photo, (unless the purchase includes a copy of Photoshop and instructions) since that color - or anything close to it - exists in the genus Rosa. Selling seeds under such pretenses is corrupt and immoral. The fact that eBay makes no effort to police such offerings casts a shadow over the entire marketplace, in my estimation.
  • #11
I see the seller that Paul linked to is using the picture of Drosera rotundifolia 'Charles Darwin' that was published in the ICPS Carnivorous Plant Newsletter.

I will PM BobZ and let him know.
  • #12
Them black roses are silk LOL look at 'em. I also love the maple "Bonsai" seeds LOLOL do they grow stunted right out of the package? Sadly none of my pics are even good enough to be stolen :lol: except for a few that popped up on the CP Photo Finder which I will gladly share with a noble cause and appreciate!
  • #13
Them black roses are silk LOL look at 'em. I also love the maple "Bonsai" seeds LOLOL do they grow stunted right out of the package? Sadly none of my pics are even good enough to be stolen :lol: except for a few that popped up on the CP Photo Finder which I will gladly share with a noble cause and appreciate!

It is important to realize that CP Photofinder only catalogs existing images and points to their location on the web. It does not take copies and archive them on its own server. That is an important distinction and in no way should it be regarded as misappropriation of any sort.
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  • #14
Blue roses do not exist, period.
and even if they did (which they dont) they would be a very rare cultivar and wouldn't grow true from seed.
also, they dont exist.

  • #15
But the listing says they are selling blue roses why would they lie about it? I mean look they even have a pic of a real blue rose! That black rose is cool too, must be a lot selective breeding to get those black leaves.
  • #16
Plus its on the internet so its gotta be true.
  • #17
The black rose is the blackest of the black. It could not get any more black.
  • #18
I think I'll put an order together right now. Who's in? Lets buy the lot and hoard them so no one can have black and blu roses
  • #20
At least the folks selling the "Blue Orchids" had the decency to tell you in the fine print that the next blooms will be WHITE.