Would you be interested if I was to make a system that can provide ideal conditions for any care intensive/condition sensitive species, or make it easy enough to save a poor Walmart VFT that someone with no prior experience could? Features could include humidity sensing, programmable photo period, temperature fluctuation, ventilation, and watering. I have a few questions that I would like others to give their input on, as well as to see if anyone would like or see potential for such a system. Should I let the user select and load in a program with presets that are optimized for certain species, or have them give specifics so I can write a program to suit their personal preferences? Is this whole thing just a stupid idea, or do you see this as something you would like to use yourself? I am open to any opinions on this. I know that many people like the challenges of building such a setup for themselves, but this same challenge often discourages people from enjoying these amazing plants. I feel that such a system, if made affordably, would open the door for many people who would not grow carnivorous plants otherwise.
What do you think?
What do you think?