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Hey All,

In this thread: http://www.terraforums.com/forums/showthread.php?134842-Random-pics-from-the-last-while -I mentioned visiting a dark sky preserve. Since it was impossible to see the night before, I decided to return the next day to see what it looked like. Turns out it contained a rather large lake that was fringed by an enormous floating bog (most of the lakes and ponds in the Canadian shield have some form of Sphagnum mat with resident Drosera in them, but this one was exceptionally large.) that contained various CP species:

Since the bog floats on the lake, it's pretty much impossible to get close to the plants because you fall through the mat and get stuck/destroy the ecosystem, but I did manage to find a small section of boardwalk along the trail that had easy access to some of the plants.

S. purpurea by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

S. purpurea flower by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

Sphagnum sp. by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

S. purpurea by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

D. intermedia by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

D. intermedia by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

S. purpurea by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

S. intermedia by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

S. intermedia by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

D. rotundifolia by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

Utricularia sp. by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

All the photos but the first three were taken along this stretch of boardwalk:

Boardwalk by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

That patch of boardwalk yielded 2/5 native Drosera species, 1/1 native Sarracenia species, and 1 Utricularia species. It was a pretty good find.

Also found this cute little frog:

R. catesbeiana by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

Nice waterlily:

Water Lily by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

And a cool little camo grasshopper:

Camo Grasshopper by Ineptphotographer, on Flickr

Thanks for looking!
Nice shots! Thanks for sharing! I'll always love seeing these guys in the wild.
Amazing photos. I love the intermedia and the bladderwort, and also the water lily.