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  1. Jefforever

    Jeff's Updated 2-12-07

    Jeff's Updated Growlist Utricularia: Orchidioides: Alpina "Pitter Moon Form" - Pyro Alpina - Pyro Alpina - Crystal --> Colieo Asplundii - Ice Dragon Quelchii "Mount Wei" - Jeff Quelchii x Humboldtii - Jeff Quelchii x Praetermissa - Jeff Iperua: Humboldtii - Rattler_mt Nelumbifolia - Jeff...
  2. Pyro

    All you ever wanted to know

    So I recall a while back someone somewhere made a comment that there was not a lot of information on these guys and that that was the reason no one grew them or took up offers for them. I was drafting up something for a friend and decided to go whole hog so here you go. And please remember...
  3. rattler

    new Utric tank..............

    spent half the afternoon repotting 1/2 my Orchidioides utrics and came up with this missing from the tank are humboldtii, reniformis, nephrophylla(because i forgot to throw it in there) and a presumed decessed nelumbifolia. present are geminiloba, two clones of alpina, asplundii(was...
  4. Pyro

    Year of the Orchidioides

    The latest Orchidioides to bloom: U. praetermissa With my hand for scale And in profile
  5. Pyro

    And now to snub all the U. longifolia pics

    Breaking out the heavy guns here just to put all you longifolia people to shame U. 'Jitka' on 5/10 And 3 days later after it opened fully Also U. asplundii And in a few more weeks I will have praetermissa, asplundii Duida, alpina, alpina Henry Pietter clone 1 and...
  6. rattler

    Looking for a few utrics

    i am looking for: U. endresii U. jamesoniania U. quelchii U. humboldtii U. praetermissa i realize these guys are fairly rare but i do know they are atleast in cultivation in the USA on a limited basis. if you have extra let me know so that maybe i can work something out to get one o two of these.
  7. R

    Rob-rah - uk - growlist

    (Updated April 2005) Some (as marked) is seed awaiting germination... <span style='color:green'>Aldrovanda</span> Aldrovanda vesiculosa (Lake Dlugie, Eastern Poland - Bestcarnivorousplants) <span style='color:green'>Byblis</span> Byblis gigantea (Bibbulman Track, robust - Allen Lowrie) (seed)...
  8. rattler

    Who is growing rarer utrics and genliseas?

    im already doing my planning for this next summer. im looking to expand my Utric collection even more, they take up much less room than Neps. i have found most of the common species that have caught my eye and will be getting more but those are fairly easy to find. i have scanned growlists of...
  9. R

    U. praetermissa

    I am lucky to have been able to get some U. praetermissa. Can anyone with any wisdom suggest any tips for me? It is going to go into my tank with other utrics like endresii, asplundii and quelchii (very humid 10C-25C). Humid and condensing water. Live sphagnum-perlite mix. Semi-shade to...
  10. Finch

    Whats the most annoying think you can do

    I will go first (question is the topic and description) The most anoying thing iv done [here] probably would be spinning toppics off in bazare directions (leading to their ineveieble death) wich is quite  uswful for me at times- not that iv ever done it on purpouse The other would be listing...
  11. R

    Introducing the missing epiphytes

    Is anyone in the process of introducing the "missing" epiphytes into cultivation? Or finding out the trick to successful growing? buntingiana campbelliana jamesoniana praetermissa unifolia I think a couple of people might have a couple of these plants, but I am more wondering if there's any...