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  1. R

    Mona's Grow List

    Mona's Grow List Cephalotus: Clone #1 Common Typical Ron Gagliardo Clone Coal Mine Beach Hummer’s Giant Czech Giant ‘Vigorus’ ‘Black Eden’ Hasting’s Clone #2 Dionea: Typical x2 Cup Trap Red Pirahna Red Dragon Akai Ryu Drosera: Delisiana Hamiltonii Intermedia Burmanii Brevifolia Spatulata...
  2. Not a Number

    The Name Game - Part 3

    Allen Lowrie's Carnivorous Plants of Australia: Magnum Opus (2013) lists some 241 species of carnivorous plants at the time of publication. 163 of those are Drosera. Of these 29 are newly named. Some are new species formally described for the first time. Some were renamed as the "true" species...
  3. T

    Stolon growth in aquatic Utricularia

    A few days ago I was looking at some Utricularia australis I acquired in a recent trade and found that it was sprouting a new plantlet from a long stolon: Here you can see the length of the stolons in relation to the plant: I thought this was interesting because I have also seen this on...
  4. P

    Mystery aquatic utric for two

    Hi there, A recently set up outdoor tank has yielded seven or more no-id aquatic utric plants. A recent thus far non-successful attempt to sprout some other aquatic seeds has made me wonder if I had some tiny seed hitch-hikers. Of something else. Or who knows? Maybe netting out prey from...
  5. jimscott

    Pygmy Sundew Gemmae Production Times

    What is your experience with the gemmae production times? D. allantostigma D. androsacea D. barbigera D. callistos D. citrina var. citrina D. citrina var. nivea D. closterostigma D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes D. x Dork's Pink D. echinoblastus D. eneabba D...
  6. jimscott

    Pygmy Sundew Flowering Times

    What is your experience with the flowering times? D. allantostigma (April & May) D. androsacea D. barbigera D. callistos D. citrina var. citrina D. citrina var. nivea D. closterostigma D. dichrosepala subsp. dichrosepala D. dichrosepala subsp. enodes D. x Dork's Pink D. echinoblastus D. eneabba...
  7. L

    Growlist of Lutz

    Once I was in a store and there was a corner in which some really strange plants were standing. They shall eat meat or something like that and they are probably dangerous. No risc no fun. I took one of the glistening with the sticky leaves. About 10 years later ...... Cephalotus Cephalotus...
  8. Cindy

    Anyone gotten seeds from Pygmy sundews?

    Hi everyone, I haven't been able to grow Pygmies here really well as they tend to go dormant with the ambient heat. However, the TC ones which have recently been planted out are flowering non-stop and one species is producing seed. If I didn't get the ID wrong, it is the D. occidentalis ssp...
  9. NatchGreyes

    NatchGreyes Growlist / Wantlist

    Notice: Growlist now available on my blog - http://ngcarnivorousplants.blogspot.com/p/grow-list.html. The blog list will be updated. This one will not. Growlist: (* = Extras for sale/trade) (Updated 2/4/2014) Aldrovanda vesiculosa – 1 Byblis liniflora – 1 Cephalotus Typical – 1...
  10. Jeremiah Harris

    Looking to trade Gemmae

    It's that time of year again. I'm looking for any Pygmy Drosera I don't grow. I lost my Drosera gibsonii colony this year and would love to get a replacement. My current grow list. Drosera allantostigma Drosera callistos Drosera callistos -Brookton form Drosera citrina Drosera closterostigma...
  11. Jeremiah Harris

    Pygmy Drosera 2013

    Drosera allantostigma Drosera callistos Drosera callistos -Brookton form Drosera citrina Drosera closterostigma Drosera closterostigma (Mogumber form) Drosera dichrosepala Drosera dichrosepala (Fish Road Track form) Drosera echinoblastus Drosera eneabba A (red) Drosera...
  12. Jeremiah Harris

    Looking for Gemmae

    Hello, I'm looking for any gemmae not on this list. Please email me at jeremiah@leilaninepenthes.com My Grow List... Drosera allantostigma Drosera androsacea Drosera callistos Drosera citrina Drosera closterostigma Drosera closterostigma (Mogumber form) Drosera dichrosepala Drosera...
  13. jimscott

    Jimscott's Photo Thread, A/K/A the best of the survivors

    Newly acquired from CP group: D. nidiformis D. pulchdella Need an ID The survivors: D. allantostigma D. hartmeyerorum U. gibba (the lone flower) Aldovanda (the lone survivor) D. scorpioides (the lone survivor) (previously ID'd as D. adelae.... but I'm dubious) D. omissa...
  14. thez_yo

    Voting for Plan of the Month July 2012 (pics and link to voting)

    Voting for Plant of the Month July 2012 (pics and link to voting) Great job guys! Here's the original entry thread: http://www.terraforums.com/forums/showthread.php?131448-Plant-of-the-Month-July-2012 and linky to voting...
  15. SgtSarracenia

    Growlist SO Far......

    This is what I have so far. Just because I have it, does not mean I would not be interested in more. So if you have something available that is on my list don't count me out. UPDATED 3/22/15 Drosera ‘Snyderi’ adelae admirabilis ‘Ceres’ admirabilis 'Floating' aff. Petiolaris ‘Pin...
  16. H

    looking for...

    Looking for... Drosera burmannii Drosera falconeri Drosera paradoxa Drosera prolifera Drosera adelae Drosera schizandra Utricularia dichotoma Utricularia australis Aldrovanda vesiculosa Nepenthes rowanae If anyone has any leads on these species please pm or just leave a message. I don't have...
  17. Werdna

    Genlisea aurea and margaretae for Research

    I am working with a researcher at the University of Arizona who is studying carnivorous plant genomes. He is particularly interested in plants with the smallest genomes and Genlisea aurea and margaretae are at the top of his list. It is difficult to obtain much test material because these plants...
  18. oen13

    13's grow list

    Drosera regia (mature 09/2010 and seedlings 01/2011) prolifera (10/2010) schizandra (03/2011) spatulata (09/2010 pink and white flower) capensis 'all red' (09/2010) binata 'ME' (10/2010) binata 'giant' (10/2010) adelae (10/2010) capensis 'alba' (gift 10/2010) scorpioides (11/2010...
  19. erick

    erick gronwlist nov 2011

    - Aldrovanda vesiculosa - Dionaea muscipula (Venus Atrapamoscas) - Droseras: * Aliciae * Anglica * Binata * Capensis (red) * Capensis alba * Rotundifolia * Scorpioides * Filiformis * Neo-caledonica * Adelae * Prolifera * Dielsiana * Burmanni(red) * Burmanni(alba) * intermedia * Pygmea *...
  20. GemStateC

    GemStateCarnivore's GrowList

    My Plant List: Nepenthes: ampularia "melvino" sanguinea sanguina Ulu Kali x gentle x ventrata ventricosa maxima x trusmadiensis ventricosa x ephipiata Lovelock NN5201181 merrilliana hybrid Caesar NN1250251 Aeonium truncata Lorraine NN4881048 singalana x boschiana Predator HCEP112 robcantleyi...