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WTB: WTB Epiphytic Utricularia
WTB Epiphytic Utricularia. Looking to purchase Utricularia Campbelliana, Utricularia Jamesoniana, Utricularia Endressii, Utricularia Asplundii. I would also be interested in Utricularia 'Jitka'.
List Date: 7/30/2016
For more info, click here to view the...
WTB: WTB Terrestrial and Epiphytic Utricularia
WTB Utricularia parthenopipes
Also looking to purchase Utricularia asplundii , Utricularia endresii, and/or any hybrid form of epiphytic Utricularia.
List Date: 7/10/2016
For more info, click here to view the original listing: WTB: WTB...
I can trade Utricularia alpina, Utricularia asplundii, Utricularia reniformis, Utricularia nelumbifolia x reniformis, or Utricularia cv. 'Jitka.' I may also have some South American Drosera available but I need to confirm next week. Terrestrial Utricularia also available.
I decided to make a thread for the tub I am using to grow my Orchidioides Utricularia. The first post can be found in the section Orchidioides discussion thread.I started this a little more than a month ago, with Utricularia reniformis and asplundii. Currently in addition to those I have...
I am looking for Utricularia nephrophylla. I have the following plants available for trade:
Utricularia asplundii
Utricularia biloba
Utricularia reniformis
Genlisea hispidula
I would also potentially be willing to trade other plants on my growlist for Utricularia nephrophylla.
I just lost a wonderful, several-year-old palm tree of a D. capensis last month and now am missing it. Rather than a generic form, I would prefer one that has location info (as long as I'm wishing, I'd prefer one of the more unusual locations like Montagu Pass, Palmiet River, Gordons Bay, etc -...
I have been asked for my growlist many times and I am really bad about keeping one so here goes (As of this posting this list is incomplete and only includes my Aldrovanda, Genliseas and Utricularias).
My Interests in the Carnivorous plant world
Primary Interests
- Utricularias
- Genliseas
Hello! I have lots of pings, dews and orchids to trade for some tropical utrics
Really want the top 2 on the list thanks so much!!!!!!!M :D
U. Asplundii
I have one rare adult flowering sized Drosera Felix Tuku Muruku, Gran Sabana. It is a pretty big D. Felix that will flower this year and has already previously. Its about the size of a nickel.
Looking for Cephalotus,
Drosera Schizandra, Hamiltonii, Adalae, Prolifera, Ascendens, and other...
I posted this on proboards originally, but I figured I might get a hit or two here as well:
I'd love trade for any of these plants (or work something else out). Please PM me if you have any of the plants I'm looking for or if any of the ones I've listed below are of interest to you!
What I'm...
- D. intermedia "Mt. Roraima" (seedlings)
- D. spatulata 'Tamlin' (seedlings)
- H. minor
- H. pulchella (Churi tepui)
- S. flava var. rugelii
- U. alpina x endressii
- U. blanchetii
- U. livida
- U. pubescens
- U. tridentata...
Utrics in section Orchidioides - generally these plants are pure epiphytes & grower in higher elevation areas. Unlike the Iperua basket I listed earlier, I cannot include all the species because 1) I don't grow all of them & 2) some are really expensive & don't lend themselves to a basket...
U. asplundii - an established piece from both my short lobe & long lobe clones. Both plants are from Chiwinda, EC & both are currently flowering. This is an opportunity to own two free-flowering utrics that are easy to differentiate from each other via their flowers. U. asplundii is a very...
- Utricularia asplundii - this is a division from my mother plant made last fall. It is growing well & flowering. I refer to this as my 'short-lobe' clone since the 3 lower lobes on the flowers are fairly short. This plant is from Chiwinda, Ecuador and is a very robust grower. It flowers almost...
I don't update this super often so ask me if you have any questions:
N. Muluensis x Lowii
N. Ramispina three pure forms: ( 2 B.E. clones and another wild collected from the 70's)
N. "Hopeful Monsters" = merilliana x ?
N. Albomarginata "Camaroon Highlands"
N. "Gentle" = Maxima x...
I've been around the board for a little while now, but I haven't posted any pictures of my CPs to this point. I've mostly only kept temperate species, mostly Sarrs to this point, but I traded with another member here about a month ago and got some really cool Neotropical species. They're...
since having collected the section Iperua, I am now looking to collect the section Orchidioides. I have a few, but missing many.
Looking for;
U. Praetermissa
U. Buntingiana
U. Unifolia
U. Asplundii
U. Jamesoniana
U. Campbelliana
Any help or information on any of these would be greatly...
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